Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Art Expression

My little artist draw herself in a big postal packaging wrap.  I thought she is doing something  ornery the other day because she locked her bedroom door.  I asked her what she was doing and she just said "I am almost done MOM" and I thought, "Oh NO."
But I was surprised when she showed me this.  She said that it's her.  
I am biased when it comes to giving my kids and assessment but she really amazes me when it comes to her arts expression because I am  38 years old and I couldn't even draw anything lol.


  1. Nice artwork. I am also biased when it comes to the artwork of my kids. I actually think that they do so much better than I did when I was their age.

  2. It's wonderful when our children or grandchildren (in my case) show amazing art work.

    Love their little creative minds.

  3. She did a wonderful job with her Art work. I can't even draw stick people well. Great choice for A day today.

  4. I really like it when kids feel free to express themselves and use their talents. Nice choice for the letter A.

  5. nice likeness.
    My daughter's ALWAYS drawing; what do you do with ALL of it?

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  6. Hi Roger, I store them in one big box.

  7. Fantastic - and all stored in one big box eh? My what a keepsake!
    ABC Team

  8. What a wonderful surprise. These are treasures to savor.


  9. This is a treasure to savor—now and for many tomorrows.


    ABC Wednesday Team

  10. Yes, obviously Rylie is multi talented. She's good at almost everything she does whether artistic or otherwise. She is also good in sports. But most of all, she is good looking just like you. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  11. I thinking your daughter is an amazing young artist.

  12. Awwww... ang little artist. buti pa si Rye kayang mag draw ng buong tao...ako hindi waaaaaaa...

  13. That is really good, Rose. She even copied her dress....Christine

  14. I love it when little kids get artsy. Great work, Rylie!

  15. nyahaha.. ano pa ba e di nanay talaga yung first na magappreciate.. hehe... but in fairness.. so lovely Ry.. you did it great! was here Rose..

  16. she really has a talent and a smart one. sa mga artist bading, mahirap daw i draw ang human being, and rye did it so well

  17. Well, I am an artist and I am speaking objectively (is that possible or an oxymoron?). Your daughter truly has artistic talent and I am glad you don't try to direct or squelch it, but instead, encourage it. That is an amazing self portrait. Don't forget to take a picture of it by itself to build up a digital image of her work! Brava!

  18. Beautiful. She has great artistry.

  19. Rylie the artist. Mommy so proud. Tita amen! :-) Musta sis. Na-resurrect na naman ako, lol.

  20. Do doubt very talented itong si rylie ... Nag start na ba ulit ang ABC Wed .. hindi n ako nakakasali lately eh. Regards.

  21. Yeah It's really nice...thanks for sharing...

  22. another addition ito sa art collection ni rye down the newly refurbished basement. very talented nga siya when it comes to art/drawings...ako din...zero power ako jan...
    way to go, rye!

  23. Your daughter is going to be a real artist! It's a lovely selfportrait!
    It reminds me of my children.I sometimes wish they were babies again. Enjoy this time.

  24. I cannot draw or sketch even if my life depended on it !! :) Nice

    Pheno, ABC Wednesday Team

  25. How lovely! I couldn't draw at all when I was that small... Haha, I still can't draw...

  26. What a little artist - brilliant - my grandchildren each have a section of a wall for their special bits - like drawings - paintings and certificates etc x

  27. hahaha..talo ka sa drawing ni Ms. Burito mo sis..

    visiting here from ABC - my share

  28. Oh, she did such a wonderful job on picture! What a gorgeous colorful dress, beautiful long hair, and lovely eyes!

  29. wow! i can't draw too and I must say she's really great in art. she can express clearly too in her drawing.

  30. Well, I think it's beautiful too! Very talented girl. And I'm sure her mom has different talents!


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