Friday, June 3, 2011


The dianthuses which I grew last year from the seeds I have collected from previous years just bloom this year.  Sorry my photos doesn't  do the justice to the beauty of the flowers lol.
I just transferred all of them at the back.  I am starting to remove my flowers in front of the house before the construction of our front porch starts at the end of this month.  I just got done and I am beat wahhh.

Hey everyone, please be invited to a new meme that will start tomorrow (Saturday) hosted by Ms. Burrito over at her blog.  The meme is called Color Connection which basically  posting any color of your choice.  Please click the badge below for more info.  Thank you~!


  1. You are very good at taking care of flowers sis. Keep it up. Here's my PF . Hope you can join us too at Keanna's meme Messy Go Round. Thanks and see you around!

  2. Ang gaganda naman ng kulay ng mga flowers mo Rose...buti ka pa, may green thumb...ako wala hehe.

  3. wow, sis! ang bongga naman...penge nang liso...ehehhee....sari-sari ang kulay eh!

  4. Wow... sana pede yan dito sa Pinas

    I Am Magic is my entry for Pink Fridays.

  5. Sweet pink! Flowers are always beautiful. If you like join us in *PicStory* on Tuesday!

    :) Lg Tina

  6. Oh that is Dianthus. Nice looking flowers sis. So springy.

    Thank you for passing by my pink friday entry.

    Happy weekend!

  7. beautiful flowers! mine is here:

  8. THEY ARE PRETTY, CHUBS! i love flowers and i found these kind to be so attractive bec. of it's stripes in color. nice job mommy for growing those flowers in your garden.

    and here's my PF entry, pls check it out She turned two

  9. makulay ang ang mga bulaklak ang ganda pagmasdan.. hehe

    Hope you can come and visit my Pink entries … Vitamins , Are These Cherry Blossoms? and Copper Twist Bracelet. Thanks

  10. The flowers are really beautiful and the very colorful. I hope we them in our place.~~Counter Height Dining Table

  11. those are lovely flowers, you've made it so beautiful...have a great weekend! :)

  12. very lovely flowers! i hope i could grow flowers too, our front lawn badly needs them :) hope you have a great weekend!

  13. The Dianthus are beautiful, I love that you have so many colors. I'm going over to visit Ms. Burrito's blog now.

    My Today's Flowers is at The Road to Here

  14. Pretty flowers! I love dianthus too. They bloom all through the year here.

  15. I love dianthus! You have some pretty colors! The last shot is really good!!

  16. A lovely variety of colors. Very nice photos too, thanks for sharing them.

  17. wow, your garden must be alive with colors and lots of butterflies! the one in he last photo is my favorite--simply gorgeous!

    Today's Flowers

  18. Hi Chubs, looks like the earlier problem I had in linking to your site is solved. Love your dianthus plants.

  19. Beautiful! If only our neighbors are considerate I'd plant flowers in our balcony too but they just die from the cigarette :( -Mirage

  20. ah! so now I know the name of that flower! i've always wanted to grow those.. pretty talaga. late visit from pf sis!

    raya of colors and contrasts

  21. your collection of these flowers are very pretty, I espeically like the white and red flowers the best. They are all so very pretty.

  22. These have always been one of my favorite garden standbys.

  23. great flowers! the last one is so delicate!

    via Today's FLower
    Light Trigger

  24. I would love to have our own garden of flowers.
    Here's my entry . Thanks and have a great week!

  25. Beautiful, my mother always had Sweet Williams in her garden. Don't you just love the perfume?

  26. The flowers are really beautiful. You seem to have a green thumb to have grown such beautiful flowers. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  27. Mommy pareho kayo ni MOmmy May ng meme..yung sa kanya is colorful weekend..cge join ako..sabay na lang kayo..hehehe

  28. aww, they're so lovely... late visits.. =)


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