Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Day I Turned...

Water is  very vital to our existence, hence to our everyday lives.  On the day I turned 38, the water supply in our area disappeared.  What a day to celebrate your birthday isn't it? 
Nevertheless, it was fun as I was surrounded by loving people, my family and my in-laws.
My husband volunteered to cook  which I was very happy.  Our plan was to just cook at home and invite my FIL but we ended up going to his house because we did not have water.
So the day I turned 38 was very memorable.  Thanks everyone for the greetings!


  1. Nice photos. Looks like you all had fun. happy birthday! =)

  2. Happy Birthday, looks like it was wonderful!

    PS. Hey, I'm 38 too! :-)

  3. wow, halata naman enjoy ang birthday mo sis kahit walang water hehehehe

    visiting from OT!

    hope you can visit my entries too:





    hope to see you there, thanks!

  4. yay! Happy 38th birthday to you.. cheers!
    parang ang presko naman jan sa inyo hehe
    thanks for sharing
    Here's our Orange Tuesday Entry
    A Father's Day Gift
    Have a great day and Happy Blogging

  5. Happy Birthday young lady. Sorry about the water. But you can see from the pictures you had a good Birthday.

  6. Happy Belated Birthday.
    what a sweet birthday to think about.

    it makes your relationship with your hubby more sweet.

  7. VERY happy natal day!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  8. Wonderful to have a husband who Volunteered to cook when the water is off, and a father-in-law whose house had running water. LOL
    Best belated birthday wishes!
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  9. Can't help but become misty eyed when I saw your pictures. I could almost feel the happiness of you all during your birthday celebration in spite of the fact that you were waterless that day. God has been so good to you because of the trials you faced before in your life. Thanks for the happy post. God bless you all always.

  10. hehe oks lang walang water..andyan naman family mo eh!

    btw: "kalabad" means...sakit sa ulo hehehe..ang galing na ng bisaya mo Rose hehe

  11. Happy birthday again .. Kaloka nga kapag walang supply ng water ..

  12. I know what it is like to have your water disappear. Happened us twice. First time our well dried up and we had to have it rebored. The second time was more serious, our oil tanked leaked and escaped into our well. Glad you still had a great birthday. Hope you have many more.....with water.

  13. Happy Birthday, girl! May you be granted your heart's desires! Looks like everybody had a wonderful time! *hugs*

  14. what a big yard you have. You can invite your in laws and cook him some Filippino food.

  15. Happy 38th birthday,Ate Rose and you don't look like your age~yo look young pa nga eh^_^

    Water is vital talaga, naramdaman ko talaga yun during the time nung 3-11. Some area in our place doesn't have water even until now most especially sa seashore line...

  16. Belated happy birthday again bading, you are lucky to have found a wonderful family here in the US. I think once only i celebrated my birthday here, My MIL bought a cake for me, and that was it.

  17. Happy Belated Birthday.

    I really enjoyed the pictures you have posted today.

  18. happy na birthday pa...enjoyed watching your bday photos sis..ang saya2 talaga.. happy birthday!:-)

  19. Happy Birthday! May you have many more happy years ahead!

  20. Belated happy birthday! thanks for dropping by my blog!:)you have a beautiful family!

  21. great pictures...looks like everyone's having fabulous time! belated happy birthday again! have a great weekend! :)

  22. Aw, that looks fun. Happy Birthday uli, sis. :)

  23. by this time my tubig na kayo siguro naman no..hehehe
    parang nasa bukid ka lang pala..
    Thanks for joining my Orange Tuesdays ..see you next round

  24. What a nice way to gather around and have fun. The kids are cute. I miss my mom... we've yet to have our own family bonding soon hopefully.


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