Friday, May 20, 2011


Remember this sunflower that my daughter gave me for mother's day?
We kept it for   several days  inside the house for it to grow.
Last weekend,  she planted them in the yard already.
Thank you so much my dearest Burrito for being such a loving daughter.  We love you so much!


  1. Thats really cute. pag dumami sun flower ninyo bading bigyan mo ako ha heheheh

  2. I love plants and all but I don't know how....

    visiting from PF!

    My Entry

  3. That's truly sweet of the darling burrito! You're one lucky mom and wife, Rose.

  4. wow good job little girl. it will be nice to see ur plant growing. happy PF chubs!

    here's mine, please take a peek at it Deal On Vitamins

  5. How wonderful. I can't wait to see a photo of it after it has grown outside. Have a great weekend. Hugs!

  6. Following back from the blog hop! Have a great Friday! - My Thirty Spot

  7. sweet and loving daughter you got there! that flower will grow to be even more lovely for sure! :)

    I hope you can take a look at my PINK Tulips and a Spring Poem. Have a beautiful weekend! :)

  8. ka good girl ba...pahingi ako sun flowers ha...

  9. is so sweet of your little miss. i like the word mom that's planted together with the plant..ang sweet

  10. Pleased to Follow you back from TGIF.
    You are getting so close to 1000 followers! I was #998! I'm going to follow your Spice Up Your Life blog too. Your posts are so cute. Love what you write about!

  11. ako din...penge nang seeds...ehehehe...sweet naman ni Rye!

  12. how sweet naman your daugher. here's my pinki entry: btw, am ur new follower, 'hope you'll follow me back. TIA!

  13. ang swet naman ni Rylie; pag ng bulaklak na will be amazed how tall they could be... :-); can't wait to see it bloom...

  14. she's sweet, tita.

  15. So sweet, looking forward kapag malaki na ang sunflower at my bulaklak na. hehe

  16. And it has MOM in it! Sweet Ms. Burrito! My PF entry is up too! BTW, come join us at Messy Go Round . Thanks and see you around.

  17. How sweet! ganda ng tubo niyan, for sure...kasi it was planted with love. :)

  18. A thoughtful gift that will keep on growing. I have never planted a sunflower. Yours looks like it is doing good.

  19. You will soon have a sunflower to remember! The sun and water played a part, but the love of your child is what allows it to thrive! A lovely Mother's Day gift you can see all summer!

  20. A lovely and a sweet daughter indeed btw here's my entry for PF SAHM’s Online Diary

  21. How wonderful for you! I hope the sunflowers grow. They're such amazing plants when they get big.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  22. Looks like the sunflower was planted in champorado hehehe

  23. A great idea for a Mother's Day gift! As the flower grows, I am sure your daughter's love grows for you too!

  24. So sweet! Your daughter is adorable!

  25. It will be fun to see how your daughter's gift grows into a beautiful flower. (I planted some sunflowers last year and they were ReAlly wierd...never got bigger than about 6 inches with misshaped flowers!) Happy SSS to you Rosie Posie!!

  26. How nice to get a gift like that which will keep on giving you pleasure! A sweet daughter.

  27. So sweet - hope to see it again in a few weeks!

  28. she's a sweetie...can't wait to see its bloom! visiting late from PF, sorry! have a great week, Mommy! :)

  29. Sunflowers are beautiful flowers that are delightful to the eyes. It's amazing how these flowers follow the direction of the sun. Great that Rylie planted some in your yard. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.


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