Wednesday, May 11, 2011

For God so Love the World...

This is what you will see  at the entrance of the Chapel Hill Cemetery here in Weirton. I love the choice of inspiring message they put there.  Are you familiar with the song "For God so love the world, that He gave His only son..."  I do not know the title of the song but I love  hearing it.


  1. I love this song as well hmmm, but don't know the title too :( Thanks again for the postcard, blogged it :)

  2. That was adapted from Psalm 3:16. I do not know the song but it's probably inspiring. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  3. Lovely capture. Happy sky watching!

    My Sky.

  4. Amen. You have a wonderful way of finding beauty all around you. Glad to have stopped here today. I need to be lifted a little and this did it. keri

  5. Nice post! Hi! Just stopping by. Following you from the Super Stalker Sunday Hop. Would love it if you would visit and 'like' my page: or follow my blog:

  6. I am a new public follower from Super Stalker Sunday. I hope you will follow me back I am also in facebook ( and twitter (@DeniseLillaRose). If you would like to like/follow me there I will do the same for you.


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