Monday, April 11, 2011

Pup Bit my Son's Butt

Imagine how you would feel if a giant pup bite your child like this one below. Good thing, it is just a picture or else I would be devastated lol.
That's my son watering my then plants in Korea.  I miss my different variety of rose that I planted there.


  1. Sorry folks for not visiting your pages. My computer got infected with a virus so hubby is trying to clean it up with Avast.

    I am using his PC right now but this is very slow so no chance of bloghopping.

    Your comments and visits are greatly appreciated.

  2. hhehehe...kakatuwa nman tong pic na ito sis....:) I like it though...ayay, hope ala na virus lateh....:) nag e EC kpa ba?

  3. ay maski pic lang yan, sayang pinaglarun ni doggy...cute yong aso Rose hehe

  4. aw! ang cute naman nito sis... was also here visiting you

  5. Awww, is that your new pup Rose? Ang cute. :) Hope your PC gets better soon.

  6. Good thing that it was only the picture that the puppy bit, hehehe, otherwise EJ will be taking shots by now. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  7. Good thing that it was only the picture that the puppy bit, hehehe, otherwise EJ will be taking shots by now. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  8. Hi Rose. Great Picture. Puppies do like to chew things. Lets hope it only does photos.

  9. nyahahaha.. ang sakit nun... nice pup rose... dropping by..

  10. following you back, thanks for stopping by CRichmanFreebies

  11. THat pictures is adorable. Thanks for the follow - now following you back

  12. Thanks for the follow. Back atcha! One of my favorite movies is Sweet November too. Love Keanu Reeves.
    See you in the blogworld.

  13. Following back sweetie, Thanks for the visit.

    Lisa xx

  14. Returning the blog love. Thanks for stopping by and linking up in the TGIF Blog Hop! If you’d like to be featured as a guest host, please fill out our form next week! We’d love to feature your blog!

    Please make sure to stop by again for TGIF this week (the linky opens at 7pm Eastern on Thursday night)

    Becca's Perspective


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