Saturday, April 30, 2011

Butterfly and Wasp

Ms. Burrito used the net that we bought at the store a couple of weeks ago.  She caught one big butterfly.  Don't worry she let it go after  a while.
She just want to see how  butterfly  sucks the nectar.  She picked a dandelion flower and put it in the container together with the butterfly then after she saw how, she let the  butterfly go.
Mr. Burrito on the other hand  got stung by a wasp.  This is the second time he got stung by those beast. I feel bad as it hurts, I know.
It got swollen but after he let the cold pack stay in his palm for a while, it  swelled down.
I hate those wasp.  Hubby already sprayed their house but they kept coming back every year. I wonder if potassium perchlorate will kill them?  Weird thinking eh?  Well, I'm just thinking of ways to kill these  beasts because it seems that the wasp spray doesn't really work.  Anyhow, you guys have a good day!


  1. awww.. wawa naman Mr. Burrito.. buti kayo diyan Rose malaki yung place for roaming around.. dito.. I seldon go out of the house,, I live in a hostile environment... grrrr...

  2. yay, kawawa naman si Rye...anyway, kala ko gagawing pet ni Rye yong butterfly hehe.

  3. I am following you everywhere that I see listed here!

    Thanks for linking up on the new Super STALKER Sunday! I hope you won't be a stranger and come back next week, or even just mid week and say hello! : ) I post lots of other great things like recipes, tackles, and rambles (oh my!).

    I also should mention that I have a FANTASTIC Blog Hop Directory that has at least a dozen blogs listed for every day of the week. No kidding! Come and check it out! : )

  4. oh my...poor little guy...I saw them here...kakainis nga eh...bees din!

  5. AWWW, poor Mr Burrito. I'm sure that wasp sting really hurt. I'm glad he is better now. Great photos.

  6. I am not fond of wasps, yet they may be food for many a bird. Pests, though, have to be convinced to move, lest an uncomfortable sting may result. Ice right away is good, we hope the little guy got over it quickly...

  7. Happy for Ms Burrito, so unhappy for Mr. Burrito. If he gets stung too often, he might develop an allergy to the venom, so the next time you see the doctor you should ask about it.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  8. Naku be careful mr burrito .. Ako hate k lamok!

  9. ouch, hope the sting is feeling better. happy SSS, and have a great weekend!

  10. Happy SSS! I have always loved butterflies. Glad she let it go. ;<) Oh Mr.Burrito!Poor little fellow with the wasp careful, as too many stings can cause a very serious reaction.

  11. It is no fun getting stung, that's for sure. Good thing he is not allergic to bee and wasp stings. It would be even worse. Do you keep Caladry lotion or something like that on hand to help with the itching afterward?

    My Camera Critters is at:

  12. I think it is wonderful that Ms Burrito is curious about butterflies, learning is always good.

    Sorry to hear that Mr. Burrito got stung, that does hurt. I don't like wasp either and I am allergic to their sting. But I love the little honey bees as they are much sweeter and rarely sting.

  13. Awww, poor Mr. Burrito. He seems to attract wasps! Yesterday, there was a wasp that got inside the house. The husband had to whack it before it bites anyone of us...

    Happy Sunday!

    My Dogspot

  14. Darn. If I had repeat wasp visitors and my kids getting stung, I'd have a death wish for the nasty things too.

    Tell little Ms. B. that I applaud her curiousity and then her release of the butterfly. No harm and a lesson learned.

  15. Darn. If I had repeat wasp visitors and my kids getting stung, I'd have a death wish for the nasty things too.

    Tell little Ms. B. that I applaud her curiousity and then her release of the butterfly. No harm and a lesson learned.

  16. I'm terrified of wasps and would definitely not want them near me or the kids.

    What fun learning more about butterflies though.

  17. Wasps are more vicious than bees. They tend to sting at the slightest provocation. And wasp sting is very painful indeed. Poor EJ that he was stung by a wasp. I used to remove their house completely to prevent them from returning. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  18. Great photos. Poor Mr. Burrito, he learned something too-the hard way.

  19. Thanks for visiting. Cute photos you have there!

  20. He's a brave little guy...wasp stings are no fun! Nice photos.

  21. I'm afraid of wasps!
    Glad to know that Mr. Burrito's finger is recover soon....

  22. Oh, poor little guy getting stung...that is painful! We have quite a few wasps here too. Our stores sell fake paper hornet nests to hang around porches... it discourage them from coming into someone else's territory and does seem to work. They're easy to make, as well...might be a fun project for the kids...:)


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