Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rain.. Rain.. and More Rain.

Took these shots from the bedroom window of my kids last night..
It has been raining here since yesterday, makes you  want to sleep more in the morning.  Whenever I can hear the raindrops, I don't want to get up in bed but I have to as my daughter goes to school especially now that it's DST whew.


  1. did your primarcy school teacher teach you o sing:

    rain rain, go away, come again and another day?

  2. oh yes, when it rained, i'm late for work.:p

  3. umuulan din dito sa amin nga bonggang-bonga.. waa.. baha na sa harap namin...

  4. mas mabuti na rin ang ulan bading kaysa snow ano hehehe hindi masyado malabig

  5. well, at least it gave you some nice shots. :)

  6. I could join you on watery wednesday this week. It is raining over here also. The poor dog didn't want to go out.

  7. The sun has been shining for a few hours on Montpellier but that won't last. Big dark clouds are coming!

    Thank you for commenting on my blog. :-))

  8. dito hindi na umuulan pero ang lakas ng hangin lagi ..

  9. Dull as it may be, you brought out the beuty with your camera!

  10. It looks like a deluge out there. I have been having issues with DST in the morning myself.

  11. Yes, rain makes me want to put my head under the covers and never come out!
    Your photos are well done.
    Hugs, Cindy

  12. Wow, after the snows now comes the rains. Hope the sun will shine soon and finally usher in the spring season so that you and the kids can indulge in your favorite outdoor activities. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  13. I with Ann, you have to start singing rain rain go away. Great shots, happy WW!

  14. Nice shots of the rain, Happy WW

  15. dito rin Rose laging may ulan, kakainis nga eh...di ako mahilig kasing mag bitbit nga payong waaaaaaa.

  16. Beautiful....they all tend to give off a bit of mystery to us.

    Thanks for visiting with me yesterday!!! My Thursday Theme Song Link:
    Irish Eyes are Smilin'

    Have a great day

  17. It's been raining here too. Great shots.

  18. Fun photos! It rained here for 2 days straight as well. Sun today, so I am quite happy. I hope it finds it's way to you soon.


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