Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jelly Beans and More.

Despite the fact that Mr. Burrito is a sweet tooth, I don't really let him eat too much sweets. Whenever they received candies, I put them away.  Over time, I collected so many and put them in a dispenser.
Now they use it to play in Ms. Burrito's kitchen as ingredients or Mr. Burrito would  organize them on the floor.
We did not really waste the candies but  instead we  put  them to a good use and give the Burritos  something to do.
I also use it to train Mr. Burrito's counting skill.  Have a good day everyone!


  1. Looks like a fun thing to do for the boy!

  2. What a clever way to use leftover sweets. I can't dare let much candy come into our house. It wouldn't last long around here. I have to be the candy police.

  3. Wow, sayang naman yung mga jelly beans, ang sarap pa naman nila. Anyway, nagagamit naman ni EJ ang mga yun as educational toys for counting, etc. Siguro okay na rin yun kaysa magka diabetes siya pag laki niya katulad ko, hehehe. I am still praying for you all especially Rylie. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  4. hhahaha..nice idea sissy, i'll do the same..hehe! Good day!

  5. Great idea, sis! At least, Mr. Burrito's counting skills get sharpened. Galing mo talaga!

    Maia didn't used to like and eat sweets/ candies. Sinadya talaga namin. But then my Dad "introduced" chocolates to her without my knowledge! So now, she eats them and sometimes even asks for them. But of course, I know better than to give in to her "demands". Pag meron lang, saka lang siya makakakain.

  6. Good job Mommy at least they were not thrown out or something. Anyway girl I give up sa wp sumakit ulo ko anyway if you have time please visit thats my new blog thanks!

  7. Hey, EJ don't just play with all of those goodies. Sarap nyan ah! ha ha.. at ginawang laruan ang M&M's! Obviously, they had too much of them! At least, educational naman ang kinapuntahan!

    Have a nice day Rose!

  8. oh i like candy give me some please burito :)

  9. Oh my ako nyan walang matira. EJ is good in following rules parang walang kulang eh. Happy Monday!

  10. Sure looks like he is having a YUMMY time too!!!
    ""May God's Angels Always Keep Watch Over You~~~Blessing You in all You Do""
    Hugs Dena

  11. ay padala mo dito sis ang iba, trade in ni mr. burrito ng pebbles hahaha.. pebbles are good for counting too. lol. happy mym!

  12. Oh how adorable!!! Happy Blue Monday!

  13. this is a great motivation to teach your little boy how to count.:p

    Mellow Yellow Monday @ Live in the Moment

  14. With my Kyla ubos yan ehehe ... nice one very colorful love your entry ..
    My MYM

  15. Using candy as a math tool... hmmm, I won't risk it yet with my little Narelle. They will all just disappear into her mouth!

  16. Those would make a great tool to teach subtraction!! LOL

    Looks like fun to me!

  17. It's hard to spot the blue candy.

    Happy Blue Monday, Rose.

  18. wahhhh. the aftermath.. hahaha.. cute ni EJ...

  19. hava nang fila dito ititch...hehehhee...sensya at nahuli...ehehhee...:)

    likewise sis...yung iba ngang candy dito expired!

    hope EJ did not eat those ones in the carpet...:)

    a quick visit lang po!

  20. What a great idea! & I bet Mr Burrito's teeth appreciate it too.

  21. Looks like he is enjoying the job.

  22. That could keep him busy for quite awhile--and I'm sure he "sneaks" a treat once in awhile when he is counting (I know I would). Mickie

  23. What a cutie, looks like he is having fun too. Happy Blue Monday.

  24. are those plastic lang bading? im sure mr. buritto can count 1-100 now hehe


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