Saturday, February 12, 2011

Baby Robin

I am longing for spring, it's snowing once again over here, whew!  Below are the photos I took last spring but wasn't able to  post it.  So now is the time since I am craving for some Spring scene.
Those are the baby Robins  from our back porch.  For some reasons, the Robins love to make a nest both from our front and back porch.  Below is the courageous one that flew earlier than the rest.  I think she got startled when I took some pictures of them.  I think the one below will be a good web design logo  for  pet blogs.
She couldn't flew  in full force yet, I was surprise  that he did not break his wing  when he jumped from the high  location of the nest to the ground.
I followed him because that time our then dog Chelsea wanted to chase  and maybe eat him alive.
To my delight, he  kept posing for me hehehe.  I think, he was telling me "Come on Lady, let's just get this over with coz I gotta go" lol.
She reached the corner of our fence then she went out finally.
The whole time that I was guarding the baby Robin from the dog, the mom Robin  was watching me.
Have a good weekend everyone!


  1. What a precious little fledgling! It was fortuante that you kept watch over it.

  2. Great shots & I'm so glad he survived! Well done & thanks for your kind words on my CC post!

  3. Such lovely vulnerable pictures.

  4. Did you kids get to see this little miracle of life?

    [Rose, don't give me too much credit... I knew very little about the monkeys I posted until I did some research! :-D ]

  5. Wonderful sequence of images of Robins.

  6. Oh my gosh....these photos are just priceless!!! I'm so glad you decided to share them with us this year. Yep, it's been a long long winter for everyone I think. Even extreme temps down south where I live. I too am longing for Spring. Summer too.

  7. How lucky your are to have these nesters visiting your home. You got wonderful photographs. I hope the baby robin suvived. Maybe mama was able, somehow, to help it fly back to the nest.

  8. What a wonderful photo story. I can't wait for spring either.

  9. You must be missing spring time so badly that you posted the photos you took last year. Don't worry, spring is just around the corner. It's great to take photos of the little creatures of God. They are so vulnerable really. Great that Chelsea then did not take a fancy of the hatchling and eat it. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  10. What wonderful photos -- I love baby birds, especially when they are learning to fly and they are so awkwardly cute!

    I have birds for my Camera Critter meme this week also.


  11. Oh so cute. can't wait to see all those birds feeding in our feeders again.

  12. And they really pose for you at that. Good Job Rose! :)

  13. You captured the photos very well, baby Robin must eager to fly freely and get out of the nest. Nice entry my dear.

  14. We've had nests also. It always makes me a little nervous when one or two leave early but they say to not bother them and they will be ok.

    Nice pics.

  15. Delightful idea: spring is coming, and this is what we can look forward to. We've only been in our house since Sept. and each season has been delight.
    Thank you for visiting My World !

  16. That certainly does remind one of a better time of year, which thankfully is coming soon.

  17. birds...the mother looks so friendly to you :)

    Thanks for dropping by, Rose

  18. Wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing!

  19. They are sooo lovely and I can't wait for spring to come! We are having snowfall lately...
    Thanks for sharing and have happy Valentine's Day.

  20. aww- they're so cute! love baby birds :)


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