Friday, January 28, 2011

Three Horses

A couple of weeks ago, we decided to drove by to Follansbee to visit my NIL, unfortunately they weren't there but we were rewarded by a view of the three horses at their neighbor's backyard hehe.
It looks so cold in there, good thing they have this thick piece of  clothing in their back (not sure what you call it).
Our burritos asked us to stay a little bit so they could  feast their eyes on these beauties.
Have a lovely snowy day everyone brrrr...


  1. brrrr, poor horses. but they do need exercise too. me in need of an exercise too.

  2. What a beautiful landscape of snow, with horses!! Thanks for following me at The Reynolds Mom, returning the follow :) Twitter too! @thereynoldsmom

  3. Thanks for participating in "Stalk Hop Friday"! Next week's Follow Linkys will be Blog Frog & GFC, make sure you stop by and link up again! I'm following you from:

  4. Beautiful images. Great atmosphere !!


  5. sa Sweden nga Rose, mga horses naka damit nyahahahaha..ganda ng kuha ah!

  6. Poor horses, head to a barn boys it's too cold out.

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am fllowing you back!

  8. Lucky horses to have such considerate owners. We have a mustang horse boarded near our property and I have seen her with thick snow on her, looking for grass to eat, not bothering to go inside.

  9. what a snowy place, it's good that the horses have something to warm with.

  10. Horses don't feel the cold like we do... Lovely shots!

  11. Nice they have the blankets to cover them... looks very blustry there! BRRR

  12. Beautiful, but it definitely looks chilly.

  13. I was doing horses this week also :-) Lovely photos -- I love horses in the snow. They do better with cold then people, especially since they get nice furry winter coats and then with a blanket they do quite well.

    Visiting via Camera Critters


  14. Great shots of the horses. It does, indeed, look mighty cold there.

  15. And the blankets are called (are you ready for this?) horse blankets!! Whenever I see a horse with a blanket, I think of the sweater my mother knit when I was a teenager. It was beautiful, but it was very heavy, and her arms got so tired when she was knitting it, so she always called it "the horse blanket"!
    I'm not surprised the burritos loved watching the horses. Little kids always seem to love horses.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  16. It looked like a cold day, glad those horses had their coats on.

  17. I love watching the horses too, great shots of the horses with their blankets on.

  18. Yes, horses are one of the more stately animals domesticated by man. Horses are known for their faithfulness and obedience. Great that you were able to get pictures of horses at your NIL's neighbors yard. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  19. akala ko paiting lang eh.. nilalamig din sila.. :(


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