Monday, January 17, 2011

Kids Section

I transferred Rylie's arts and crafts table and chair at the corner of our dining room to give our living room more room for the guests during Mr. Burrito's birthday. The kids actually loved it there, everyone tried to sat there and did some scribbling and stuff.
Haley and  Ms. Burrito  enjoying their food.  Little Gracie joined them afterwards.
After eating,  they did some  drawing and stuff.  Below is with the celebrant.
Then Jake took over when Mr. Burrito left.
Glad the  kids had fun during the celebration.  The big kids  enjoyed playing at our basement.  Our hardwood fllor got tore up though from  the  bicycles and stuff wahh..

Sorry folks if I wasn't around much lately, I just have a lot of things going on around here.  Today was a holiday so Ms. Burrito did not have a classes.   I tried to  teach both of the burritos some lessons from the book that I bought in the store.  Ms. Burrito is doing pretty good with the first grader book while Mr. B's span of attention is very very short.  It frustrates me to teach him but I know that in time, he would focus eventually.    I just need more patience in teaching him.  

Thanks for visiting  guys and for leaving your thoughts all the time.


  1. dine-in with red color adds appetite.

  2. i love this red corner.:p
    you're such a busy mom!

  3. I actually like your arrangement bading kasi closer sa dining area, so every gathering ang mga badi may sarili silang misa..

    Uu bading na tiketan kami kasi pinara kami ng cop sabi over speeding daw sabit 55 lang daw, eh walang sign na 55 nakita si joe. Hindi naman yun overspeeding,. ang sign na 55 nakita namin mga 3 to 4 miles. salbahis na cop yun. im thinking baka wala yun pera tapos nung makita na pamilyado ang hinuli nya he change his mind. Buti si jose cool lng, walang mga latin lumabas sa bibig. Nag enjoy si joe sa party bading.

  4. what a great idea to have that corner converted into a place for the burritos to hone their artistry. well done, rose:)

  5. Allowing the kids to have their 'own space' was a terrific idea....looks like they all had a fun, fun time.

    My Ruby Tuesday Link

    Hope you have a glorious day.

  6. I like your idea and the kids seemed to enjoy themselves there.I hope Mr. Burrito had a nice birthday and it looks like he did. Thank you for coming by.

  7. The arts and crafts table was just plain perfect for the kids. They had such a lot of bonding moments there. It's just unfortunate that your basement tiles were torn up because of biking and other boys activities there. Be more patient in teaching your little boy. Boys are very imaginative and most of the time, their imagination keeps wandering off and they have very little attention span unlike little girls who are more focused. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  8. They look like they are enjoying this corner area very much! Very cute!

  9. They look like they are enjoying this corner area very much! Very cute!

  10. Very nice kids and a beautiful corner for them to have fun!

    Have a nice Wednesday****


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