Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year Wishes

 My family and our blue eyed jack russel terrier are wishing  you all a  prosperous new year!  May 2011 bring us all good luck and good health all through out.
Champ squeezes his head in between the driver's seat and passenger seat whenever he is traveling with us hehehe.  Since it is the last day of the  year, Happy New Year to all of you!


  1. And a Happy New Year to you. Our Rat Terrier looks like your Jack Russell only her ears stand straight up.

  2. Happy New Year 2011 to you and your wonderful family!

  3. Wow! Love the blue eyes on that terrier! Great pics!

    Happy 2011 to you and yours my friend!

  4. What a cute companion he looks to be! Happy New Year to you all! Much health and good times ahead for you in the new year!

  5. Happy new year to you and your family, Rose! :)

  6. Champ is such a cute camera critter! I'll bet the kids just love him.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  7. That face just makes me want to reach into the computer & pat him!!! =)

  8. Happy Year to Champ and the rest of the family.

  9. Yes, Happy New Year to you all including Champ. Champ looks like he enjoy riding in the car with you because he knows that after the car ride, there will be great bonding moments for all of you. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  10. Happy New Year cottrill family, best wishes and goodhealth all year round


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