Thursday, November 25, 2010

Rainy Thanksgiving

Good morning everyone, just a quick update here. I am doing some lumpia to bring to my FIL's home. We will be celebrating Thanksgiving there. Hubby checked the weather online and it's going to be a rainy Thanksgiving. Oh well, it's thanksgiving so we can't really complain lol..
These photos were taken a couple of days ago when we went to visit Dad.
It's been gloomy this week and today the rain will pour.  Well, it's actually pouring now.  
Enjoy the rest of the day folks and thanks for visiting.
An art made by our daughter from her school.  
Happy Thanksgiving to US residents and have a nice day to all!


  1. Hello everyone, thanks for taking time to leave a line or two. I will be out for the day so I might visit you back tonight.

  2. ok sis. naka-comment na agad. hehehe. may turkey ba? happy thanksgiving!

  3. Thank you for your visit and being a follower of my blog. Your photos are very interesting too. All the best because of your Thanksgiving holiday!

  4. Our skies are much the same here. We had rain this morning too. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  5. Great shots. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  6. The weather is rainy and snowy here too!
    Thanks for visiting my place and taking the time to leave a comment;o)

    Have a beautiful Thanksgiving****

  7. How peaceful.

    Please have a good Friday you all.

    daily athens

  8. we have rainy gloomy weather here as well. have a wonderful thanksgiving with your family.

  9. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Rose!
    Lovely sky shots :)

  10. Happy thanksgiving day to you also Rose

  11. if you are going to have rainy and cloudy skies, they may as well be of the mackerel variety!

  12. Beautiful shots. It's rainy here today too.

  13. I love the last sky picture - almost looks like angel wings! I also love the positive note that your blog sings to the world :)

  14. Beautiful sky photos, Rose. Our weather here is getting warmer and today is not as hot as the past days, and a storm is forecasted also early this evening.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Enjoy your day. Happy Thanksgiving.

  16. Oh hoh! such a gray day! but do hope you've had a good Thanksgiving day! have nice weekend!

  17. Hope you had a very good Thanksgiving day. I thought we had snow today thank God it's only rain ^_^ Happy weekend!
    My week sky

  18. A nice cloudy and gloomy sky,
    have a nice weekend.

  19. «Louis» thanks you for visiting San Francisco Bay Daily Photo and wishes you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving.

  20. Hope it was a wonderful day even if the weather was gloomy.

  21. because of the power of technology, thanksgiving day is somehow being celebrated too in some parts of the country,thats bec its all over the internet ahihi. daughter asked me too yesterday, "what do we have for thanksgiving day?" we dont have turkey, so baka chicken.. hihi. turkey recipe is trending now.. :) happy thanksgiving day!

  22. Anyway for eating a lot you don't need sunshine, lol ! your sky pictures are very nice !

  23. Wish you had a great Thanksgiving day!

    Thanks for visiting my place

    Cheers from Uruguay :)

  24. pretty turkey! :P seems like it's quite cold. hope you had a good Thanksgiving :)

  25. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving :)

  26. Stunning pictures indeed. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. Hugs

  27. Cloudy sky is so beautiful!
    I love the turkey:)
    Have a nice weekend!

  28. Happy Thanksgiving Rose, to you and your whole family. There are so many things you can be thankful for to the Lord. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  29. Whew, it has been hectic! Sunday and I finally have some time to leave comments for Skywatch Friday visitors.
    Thanks for visiting. Checked you blog and think maybe you live near the Ohio border near Wheeling, WVA.


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