Monday, November 15, 2010


Mommy, I want to play and look like an alien. Does this one works?
Oh no, there's an alien  girls roaming around the house!  I'm scared!
Aha, gotcha Mom!  It's fun to play like an alien.  
Good morning everyone, it's just another one silly moments in our household.  Hope you guys are having a fine day.  Hubby just hung up the phone, he was  pissed that  he got stuck in the traffic.  He said that a driver who is texting on the  cellphone got  a wreck on the road and it caused a big  traffic.  He is going to miss his classes.  Oh boy, when  will other people realize that driving  while  texting or taking on the phone is dangerous.  I hope it serve as a  lesson for them next time.
Below is my daughter's score on her weekly  pop corn exam.  They keep misspelling my daughter's name, oh boy..
Have a lovely day everyone!


  1. ang aga nag online ng bading, visiting here badingding hehe

  2. I agree...using hand phone while driving is very careless thing to do.
    What a great score for Rylie :)

  3. a pretty alien!
    texting while driving a bad idea. better use a headset and call if its urgent. even my cousin who is master texter (she text without looking at the keypad :p) bumped a tricycle bec of the habit.

  4. waaaaaaa....people are st---d sometimes...kakainis...ehehhe!

    oh boy, misspelled nga...hahahaa! great job rye, way to go!

  5. Good for Riley! She's such a happy kid, Rose. It's a real joy to see her pictures. :)
    Spinning Lovely Days

  6. so the teachers need spelling lessons! lol

  7. Shes the most beautiful alien! :)

  8. What fun you and your smart daughter are having!

  9. well.. that's a real pretty alien you got there!

  10. Excellent...and such a sweet, sweet face you've shared. I love the idea of not using texting while driving.

    LEGO art is my Ruby Tuesday today, hope you can stop by to join me!!

  11. thumbs up to ur beautiful alien.

  12. *lol* What a cute alien you got in your house :)

  13. visiting here and good job rye!

  14. Cute pictures ! I could never text while driving, I hardly can text when I sit in my chair, lol!

  15. Congratulations to Rylie for having a perfect score in her pop corn exam at school. She really has a very active imagination playing like an alien at home, lol. You really had a good time playing games of imagination at home with your kids. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  16. In fairness, ang cute nya. Have a nice day!

  17. Congratulations to your daughter, good job!

  18. Super cute ng alien mo, Rose!

    Well done! Rylie.. Congrats.


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