Monday, October 11, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

Hello everyone, I just had now the time to  open my PC and do some reading of your comments, thanks a lot!  We were out the whole day.  We went to the mall, grocery store, and visited  Dad Pooch.  When we came back, we got busy with the pumpkin that we bought.  This is our first time to carve, we didn't do it from the previous years because the kids were still small and wouldn't be able to grasp the concept of the activity.  
Now that they can participate, we tried and we had so much fun!
Rylie  designed one of the pumpkins and hubby did the other one.  After he cut out the head/top, Rylie  removed the seeds and other stuff while Mommy was busy taking photos.
Rylie wanted to  carve a pumpkin that looks like Sandy (the squirrel from Sponge Bob), so she drew a face with buck teeth in it lol..
Do this looks like Halloween? Lol!
The youngest burrito tried to help too.
But he said, it's too hard lol!
What can you expect when Daddy goofs around?  The daughter also goofs around.. LOL!
This would be great for pigs.  We used to cook this for our pigs.
 Today is very special to us since this is our first pumpkin carving and also the 10-10-10.  We were also blessed with warm weather for a couple of days now so thank God for that.  Have a lovely start of the week, hope everyone had a blessed Sunday! 


  1. looks like the kids had so much fun w/ the pumpkin.
    happy halloween!
    my kid here beside me says we should do this,too. haha

  2. wow ready na pala ang cottrill fam for halloween

  3. i love this family bonding.
    i follow this blog.
    follow back to empower our blogging community.

    have a blessed day.

  4. i love this family bonding.
    i follow this blog.
    follow back to empower our blogging community.

    have a blessed day.

  5. Oh, so fun! We do this every year too, it's a family tradition.

  6. Like father like daughter and like mother like son talaga kayo Mommy Rose. Tingnan mo picture nyo ni Ej ang serious nyo, while John and Rye tongues out pa hahaha. Good to see you are having fun, ganda talaga nang pagpapalaki nang mga anak ninyo. Happy weekdays!!Thanks for the visit pala hehe!
    Indian Corn
    Favorite Snack

  7. Precious and priceless moment, enjoy until their young! Happy Monday!

  8. wow, galing ng carvings! dito wala ata pumpkin, squash meron.. hihi.. nice experience also for the kids, first time pala nila.. galing ng bonding moment niyo.. kaya naman busy kayo ng weekend..
    teka, ayan mana si rye sa dad niya in goofing around.. lol

  9. it's fun talaga sis ano! it's one of our traditions every year since Akesha was born.

    next week pa kami mag kacarve...punta kami sa patch...did you guys go to pumpkin patch?

  10. love the pics... i have never carved a pumpkin too.... we planned on doing one the big Q is when? lol

  11. Hi sis Dhemz, di pa kami umunta sa pumpkin patch kasi mahal dun bumili ng pumpkin eh lol.. But hubby said we are going to, let's see.

    Hi mamilu, ganyan din kami dati nung maliliit pa sila but now that they can participate, we did it.

  12. Pumpkin means Halloween. What a nice way to bond with the kiddos. They sure love their project!

    Will wait to see it lighted. Ganda!

  13. Yes, funny shots! So sweet girls and the pumkins are lovely! Happy October! Anna

  14. What a cute mellow yellow, and Kids have so much fun as they looked so happy... its lovely..
    Love Farah

  15. That must be a lot of fun ! Halloween only exists since a few years here in Belgium, so I had never celebrated it in the past. Now each year there are more and more decorations.

  16. What a very fun and enjoyable day for all of you. Your bonding is uncomparable your kids will treasure that forever and lucky to have a wonderful family and parents like you.

  17. Yes, you have your resident artist in Rylie. She is always at the forefront of all your artistic activities. But carving your Halloween pumpkins will always be a family activity for all of you with fun and laughter thrown along the way. And the resident clown is of course John who is being copied by Rylie. May you have a fun filled Halloween celebration. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  18. Hope Rylie enjoyed and everyone had a great time together...

  19. wow, great family activity. everybody look liked they had the best time!

  20. Beautiful photos, Rose. You all guys had so much fun getting ready for Halloween. We don't celebrate Halloween here but some do.

  21. Somehow the thought of just popping that gross inside of the pumpkin in my mouth just didn't sound good.
    But love that you all had fun time together and cute pumpkins

    barbara jean

  22. My third graders "gut" pumpkins for a math project and it is amazing how many have never seen the inside of a pumpkin. What a great fall tradition! Love the finished products!

  23. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's been too warm to cut into pumpkins here in Georgia. I saw a blog to make pumpkins into planters for mums and I can't wait to try that this year!
    Cute pics of the family!

  24. Wow! great family had a great fun! nice shots....

  25. Now that looks like a fun way to spend some time. I like how you're the one behind the camera and dad helps the kids with the carving! Thanks for stopping by at my mellow yellow post. Enjoy the day!

  26. What simple fun! I miss having little ones around.


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