Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Grandparents Day

This was taken during the grandparents day last week. The kids were extra sweet to their Pap to honor his especial day. I told them not to do any naughty things while we were there lol. I just wish that my Mom is near here so we could have visited her too but we're thousand miles away. We want you to know Ma that we love you so much. We are looking forward to seeing you again soon.

To my dearest father-in-law, happy happy birthday Dad! You are a true trooper in a sense. Thanks for imparting your wisdom to us. We love you and we always pray that may God bless you with good health so that you can still witness your grandkid's progress in life. Happy 88th birthday Dad!

Happy Birthday MySpace Comments


  1. Wla man ta aning Grandparents day here in Philippines sis...

    Happy Grandparents Day to your grand-father in law sis..

  2. oh yeah, my kids greet their granpa/ma too. and glad we did not forget it.. =)

  3. It's really nice for the kids to have grandparents who care for them! In this respect, you are lucky Rose. Hugs.

  4. Happy Birthday and Happy Grandparents Day to your FIL. He sure loves all his grandchildren. You are blessed to have a FIL like him who dearly loves all his grandchildren. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.


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