Sunday, September 19, 2010

Gloomy Sky

Hello everyone, how's the weather at your end today. We are having some rain and looking at the gloomy sky makes me miss the bright and sunny days we had when we were still in Korea. I found these photos in my archive. These were taken before we left 9 months ago.

Hope everybody is having a nice time.


  1. It's cloudy here today with about a 50% chance of rain....I bet you miss Korea; from the pictures you post, it looked beautiful there!

  2. Your skies are looking beautiful. We are having rain today! Happy skywatching!

  3. Rose: Those are neat skies with much remembrance of past days.

  4. We have clear clouds today althought the weather seem chilly a li'l bit.
    Nice skies!

    My SkyWatchFriday

  5. Thank you for sharing these pretty cloud and sky scenes with us.

  6. I don't know what those little clouds are called, but I just love them. Beautiful skywatch photos.

    Alberta, Canada

  7. Lovely mackeral skies!

    I'm late responding to Skywatch this week. Hope you've had a wonderful weekend Rose.

  8. Thanks for your comment! You have some wonderful photos of the skies here and the post under! :)


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