Friday, September 10, 2010

Fun Before School

My husband's classes during MWF starts at 8 so he has to leave as early as 6:50 am to get to his school. Having said that, I have to walk Rylie to school with EJ in tow. I feel bad for the little guy because he has to wake up early too. On TTH days, hubby walks her down to school as he doesn't leave home till 9 am. These were taken last Monday before we left going to school.

I kept telling them to smile but they sure made faces lol. My son has to bring his backpack too whenever he goes with us. However, he doesn't want to go to pre-school next year hahaha.
I can't stop laughing while waiting for the auto-click because of their faces.
Thanks for dropping by here at my page.


  1. haha, cute naman mga faces nila. talagang di napa smile ah.. haha

  2. lo, welcome to the club, Rose...masasanay ka rin and so as EJ...bakit kaya bigla ayaw na ni EJ mag attend ng pre ko next year...siguro ayaw gumising ng maaga :-)

  3. ang kukulit...mana sa mommy! hahaha!

  4. Hahaha, you almost have three students in tow at yung isa saling ket lang, lol. You can begin teaching EJ the rudiments like ABC and 123 so that he will become familiar with them when he goes to school. Kawawa ka naman, overloaded ka sa chores sa bahay at sa paghatid kay Rylie sa school. Buti nakapagba blog ka pa. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  5. Your kids are so adorable.. Your girl looks like Phoebe Cates and the little one, Troy Montero..hahaha...Artistahin!

    btw sis I have an award for you, hope you'll like it!

  6. Happy labour day to you..they still look cute even they make faces hehehe...

  7. I love the facial expressions. It doesn't look like they were happy to take pictures.
    Have a good day.

  8. cute kids esp rylie who really knows how to play w/ the cam:)

  9. aw! ang super cute ng mga faces nila mommy rose!

  10. Very cute pictures! Poor little guy looks so tired :)

  11. Love the silly faces! We all get up at 6:30am around here!

  12. Cute pics. That's great idea to take pics of the 1st day of school each year. I want to do that when my daughter starts pre-school next year.

  13. Si mommy smiling ear to ear kahitpagod ang mga junakis makingfaces haha. Namimiss ba ni EJ sissy nya kinsan bading/

  14. hahhaha....ang cute nang mga burritos mo badingding....always making faces....sweet!

  15. The kids are indeed enjoying! Happy schooling Rylie and EJ!

  16. Cute kids! my son will go to school next schoolyear too!

  17. Well Hey There Girlfriend,,,just out for a visit Sweetie.. The kids are looking wonderful and of course so are you!!! Sorry about the cramps...Hope you're all better by now...Been there done that and now I do NOT have to any more...Hurray!!! Praise God...
    May God's blessings be all over you~~~And heres a Big Hug from me too~~~Dena


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