Monday, September 27, 2010

Bedroom Needs

Okay, here's our dilemma of having two bedroom house. Right now, our two kids are occupying the same room. We bought a bunk bed for them to use.  Well, they are okay with it  until during bed time.  The little girl does not want a night light but the little boy  wants one.  To meet the agreement, we have to leave the door a little bit open just so a  light from the hallway will be visible at their bedroom.  Hubby does not like the idea of leaving their bedroom door open.
Because of that circumstance, hubby  is browsing  on the list of the houses for sale in the area.  I told him that we should make our plans after  he graduate and  has  a new job so that we can have  house where  it's convenient both for his work and our kid's school.  I really love where our house is right now because we are close to a lot of things like post office, bank, hospital, school, and other establishments.   The only problem is  that  it is not big enough for the four of us.

Having said that, once we can find a new place to live, we will need to buy new bed sets for them.  Our daughter has a complete set already but our son does not have one yet.  So even if it is still far, we are now starting our plans.  The designs of  the bedroom sets below and above would be perfect for our burritos.

I think it would be great if instead of buying an existing house,  is to just buy a parcel of land and build a new home.    Oh, I would love it for sure. I hope that  whatever job my husband will get next time, we would be able to afford buying a parcel of land and build our dream house there.  Right now, it is just a thought.  That's the only possible thing I could do hahaha.  Oh well as the song goes, "Que Sera Sera" or Whatever will Be, Will Be - will determine  what we're going to do  in the near future.


  1. Good luck with the dream house vision - which is what you'll have to have in the beginning, which can also be a lot of fun. Why not get a flashlight and wrapped in something for your little boy to take to bed with him? This way the door can be closed and your little girl won't be bothered by his light. Anyway, just a suggestions - I'm sure it'll all work out fine. Hope your family had a great weekend! Recent follower just poking my head in to say "Hi".

  2. Good luck!! sure you'll got it..keep faith. Yup, your kids need separate room sooner hehehe

  3. wow ganda yang isa Rose.. dito naman kasi sa pinas pwede mu ipagawa... basta may sundan lang ganda sissy...

  4. I agree with you, I'd wait and see till finances and work are fixed before buying something new.
    Since your boy is lying in the lower bed, I'd buy a small night lamp and hang it on the wall just beside his head. This way the boy will feel safe and his sister will not be disturbed.
    I very well remember being afraid of dark myself for a period as a child.
    I was lucky to have kind, understanding parents to help with a little light and the problem was solved.
    I find that so young children can well sleep in the same room.
    Maybe you later on can add an extra room to the house you have, and thus avoid all the trouble of buying and selling in a tight market.

  5. Thanks for the advise Felisol, greatly appreciates it.

  6. Yes, your kids are getting bigger and soon they will need a separate room. Your idea of buying a vacant lot where you can build your dream house is a good idea indeed. I hope that you can have your ideal house very soon. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  7. Soon, you guys need a 3 bedroom house bec for sure the kids want their own room.
    Thanks for visiting my Ruby Tuesday

  8. Real estate in the WV panhandle, western PA or Jefferson County Ohio are quite reasonable, much lower that in Connecticut. If you stay in that area, you could built or renovate nicely...

    I grew up as part of a large family, and bunk beds were the rule. And as usual, two kids who love each other DO have differences of opinion. Happily, you were able to settle the lighting issue. A happy compromise!

  9. am sure someday soon sis....that dream will come true....:)

    ang ganda naman nito....another moolah from CSN...bongga...ehehehhe!

  10. Finally, I can follow your blog :)
    The GFC widget on another site didn't work so I cam here to follow you
    Thank you for stopping by at my blog

    Love & hug
    Citra @ innocentia

  11. My son has a bunk bed. My engineer hushand says it is warmer "upstairs." so when it is too hot, he sleeps "downstairs."

    Your daughter has a pretty bed.

  12. I hope you find exactly what you need that fits your needs.
    These bedroom choices look perfect.
    My granddaughters would love the girlie one and Elmo!

  13. wow ka nice sa bed sa imo baby cute and lovely..i will be transferring to another apertment this week i am thinking what nice color for my bedsheet..hehe

  14. Yes, sometimes it is hard when the kids share a room. It will be ok, tho, until you can get a bigger place.
    I clicked on your link so CSN will know you have people coming over from your blog.
    The post before my last one was for a CSN review, too. This store sure gets around. :))
    xo bj

  15. I hope you get your dream house. That would be awesome.

  16. I love that bed set girl, I am sure gustong gusto din ni rylie yan so cute anyway girl yeah sad to say 9 passengers died in that accident two were dead on the spot, they sat in the front seat and 7 of them died in the hospital grabe kasi magpatakbo ang driver, ung driver alam mo bah, kukunti lang gasgas niya grrr unn katabi niya wala na

  17. Bading salamat sa lahat lahat. nakabalik na ang taga bundok hehehe.

    Buti pa kayo naghahanap nanaman ng bahay kami hanggang renta lang muna hehee. balik nlng ako bukas bading ha. mwah

  18. Here Rose, we have to on our hallway light because both my kids like to have a night light. We just use an economical bulb. David has his own room but we use to own his bedroom light until he sleeps and off it after wards. I like Rylie bed set. It is prefect for a girl.

  19. Excellent post. I think you may find the bed with additional storage to be a great addition. Keeping that storage organized may be a different story.
    May your dream come true.

  20. before you know it, everything is right at your feet. sometimes we don't have to dream, because dreams are intended for grander things and when we fail to aspire at it, we become depressed. sometimes, we don't have to plan either, because God has pre-determined plans (destiny) for all His creations...sometimes, all we have to do is...LIVE THE LIFE ACCORDING TO HIS WILL.

    (ka-emoteness ko hanu mommy rose, ewan what struck me this time, hehe. keep being a good mom to both ur adorable kids)

  21. Come to Warren, PA Rose! hehehe, houses here are cheap but you can choose the bigger ones and nice. But then finding job is worse. One has to go Jamestown or Erie to have a decent salary. I see now that your husband is in school pala. Yes, wait for the right time to buy a house. He should have a job first before that.

  22. Awww! I hope you'll be able to build your own house soon!!! Your idea of the bed sets are great!!!

  23. Hope all these dreams soon become a reality and that you find a home you and your family will enjoy for decades to come. Love that Elmo...

  24. I can identify with this. Growing up, my girls (16 months apart) always shared a room in our two bedroom cottage. They used to keep each other up on school nights and there were all sorts of tiffs, big and small. Sigh. They are in their 20's now and living across the U.S. from each other. I wish I had those days back!

    Your little ones are adorable!

    My Ruby Tuesday Post


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