Saturday, August 7, 2010

Trumpet Vine

I took these shots at my father-in-law's backyard. His trumpet vine is blooming already but mine isn't yet. I guess that the nectar of this particular flower is sweet because ants love em (just my theory lol).

I like the other color of trumpet vine.. orange. Mine is yellow too. I think that a combo of yellow and orange will be great when they bloom together.

See the bee enjoying her treat?

How about these ants?

Mother bee is busy..
Have a nice Saturday everyone, thanks for dropping by my page. Join us by clicking the badge below.


  1. Critters on flowers always make an interesting composition.
    Beautiful shots.

  2. Rose: Fun shots of the flower and the critter visitors.

  3. Love your trumpet flowers. My sister has hers in a deep orange.

    Thanks for your visit. Sorry I cannot post it because of the link.

    Take care & God bless!

  4. those are great shots sis... i can't get myself near a bee... I'm scared of so many critters.. that's a nice trumpet flower.


  5. Oh, I just love these pics! Yellow is my favorite color, and trumpet vines are marvelous!! I think they're also good for attracting humming birds, do you ever see those there?

  6. I'd always just referred to these flowers are yellow bells. Thanks for sharing your photos! :)

  7. the trumpet maybe has a sweet taste coz they gathered all around to enjoy its sweetness happy sweet SUnday to you girl

  8. Beautiful trumpet flowers. Great photos of the bees too. Looks like they enjoyed the nectar.

  9. These are nice blooming trumpets! We just came back from the gardens and we saw the same colors.

    P.S. I just posted the link for OWM. Thanks for stopping by and sorry for the late post.

  10. He has a sweet snack nibbling the nectar. Beautiful shot of the flower and the bees too.

  11. Really nice photography Rose. The camera is good as it's on the hands of an expert.

  12. You wouldn't want hummingbirds in your garden they can be bad tempered critters, great shots.

  13. Wonderful photos of the trumpet Vine and the critters.

  14. Some unusual and quite scary flowers today.
    Enjoyed my visit

  15. I think most nectar are sweet kasi ants and bees, butterfly and other insects love sucking it.

  16. trumpet vine--i love it. perfect name for this beauty.

  17. I planted a trumpet vine a few years ago but no flowers. Perhaps next year!!
    Enjoyed your post and pictures!

  18. Great shots of the trumpet vine and ants, the hummers visit mine all the time.

  19. oi, para syang yellow bell dito sa atin Rose...pero am sure di yon matamis dahil wala namang ants na gumagapang doon sa bulaklak hehehe.

    pang pro na talaga hehe.

  20. Yes, trumpet vines are really beautiful and look like miniature trumpets, lol. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  21. huling huli na ako sa pila eh...ehehhehe!

    musta na sis? how was your weekend?

    oh my....never pa akong nakakita nang ganyang kulay...bat kaya yung sau dpa namulaklak...ehehhehe....fave to ng mga hummingbirds.

  22. Hi bading bloghopping, makikiMYM dito,

  23. your phtoos are very very beautiful
    congrats the message on the top.

  24. Such interesting flowers! I love that you have included the buds, as well as the mature flowers!

  25. Psst, Rose, nag-join na rin ako sa CC. hehehe, for the first time :) Wow, may yellow trumpet flower ka pala dyan ha. Wala ako nyan. They almost look like day lilies. Ang cute nang Bee. Nakikisali rin sya.

    Have a great weekend!

    My Camera Critter Entry


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