Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dealing with Attitude

One attitude that really get into our nerves is when our daughter want to torture her brother. I don't mean physical torture but she likes to do things that would make him mad which is always ends up in crying. I think it's normal for siblings as I remember my late brother used to do that to me.

Anyhow, last Sunday after we went to church, we visited my FIL but as soon as we got there, our lil' girl started aggravating the little one. Hubby wasn't in the mood to deal with it so he told us that we we were going home. The lil' girl was put in time out when we got home. I felt bad because she didn't get tpo spend time with her Pap so I consoled her a little bit.

We took some pictures together and I talked to her about dealing with her attitude. She understood why we do stuff like that and she apologized. How about you, how do you deal with your child's attitude issue.


  1. You were right to talk with her. I think more parents need to take that attitude with their children. The bad attitudes will not just magically disappear. I always talk to my children. They are older now one married three in college one in high school. We always talked with our children. The older they get the more they need your love and support. Keep parenting the way you are. You are doing a great job! Anne

  2. You're doing a great job sis. It's very important that we talk to our kids especially when it comes to their attitudes.

    Happy MYM!

    Liz @ MLC

  3. That's what you call, a cool mom! =)

    Btw, I'm Christian and I just followed you. Can you add me please?

    You can view my entry on:

  4. Your an ideal mom even I'm not a mom yet I learn many things how to handle he children on the mom around here in blogging world.

  5. sorry for the delay but im your new follower from the friday blog hop. :)

  6. my world seems to erupt whenever my kids are all-together, IT IS CHAOTIC! grabe!

  7. i can relate with your problem. my eldest is like that with his younger siblings. he just love making them cry, and it irritates me :-) very good parenting, i salute you!

    Mellow Yellow!

  8. pretty little girl just like mom...

    here's mine:

    followed you here, hope you can follow me back... thanks much!

  9. It has to be a girl thing, my daughter is the same exact way to my son.

  10. Ooo trouble! good thing is she'll grow ut of it :)

  11. I think eldest siblings are good in doing that.Patrick is the same with Kendrick, I don't know, although not all the time but when he's in the mood to do so, you can tell that he's always successful because I also end up being irritated, lol!

  12. Talking with her at home was surely a good thing. Cutting the visit short was another good thing...tough love is hard to be consistent with but, good job on this one!

  13. Sweet pictures! My daughters have attitude issues sometimes, but I find spending a little one-on-one time with them and talking it out seems to help the best. Good luck!

  14. Ugh. Sometimes I think girls are born with a teenagers attitude. You were so right to remove her from the situation and talk to her about the problem. She'll learn!

  15. good job sis! I am PRO talkin to kids instead of just spanking them when they did things arent that nice..

  16. Kids do not only have attitude problems, they also have mood problems. We must recognize the fact that different people have different mood problems. And older children always cajole and tease their younger siblings. These are normal patterns of childhood. We cannot expect children to be perfect and on the ball always. They are hyperactive and have great exuberance and do not necessarily mean they are bad. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  17. that's the reason of being a parent to them, to talk and deal with this attitude sometimes. that is just normal but we need to guide them and talk with them. you're doing the right job mommy!!

  18. I do the same too Rose. We talk to them if they are not doing the right thing My eldest is just like Rylie too. You are a good mom and you are doing the right thing.

  19. Gnayan si Jake bading. if he feels like teasing justine. kaya napapalu palagi pag si justine na iniinis niya.

  20. Thanks for your comment :-)If I was a little boy, I would fall in love... Beautiful girl.

  21. It really is part of growing up, good thing it never comes to a point where she hurts her brother physically. :-)

  22. Effective ba ang time-out sis sa mga bagets mo? A friend of mine used to do that with her kids when they did something wrong, I think it did work with them. Sa bahay kasi my kids somethings are acting up like we were of the same age kaya hayun minsan they won't listen kahit serious na ako.

    Re naomi's hobby, self-taught lang siya sis. we buy art books (kahit wala na sa budget, but its ok) and then she would study and practice the style of drawing.

  23. We do time outs, too. But, we don't sit with them. They are alone with their thoughts to have time to think about what they've done wrong. Then, we talk about it after.

  24. I have a 13 year old - so monitoring attitude has become a full time job now:-)
    Thanks for your follow...following you back from

  25. My daughter's not even 3 but already has some attitude at times. Usually I stoop down, look her in the eye and say "we need to be nice to each other, and that is not nice for a sweet girl like you to do." She's usually on board with being nice :)

  26. hahhaha...torture ba naman....ako din dati...I always torture my younger!

    a quick visit here sis...mwah!

  27. hmm, even though I'm the eldest before, I'm the one who is tortured by my siblings. lols. Yeah, I'm the whipped child. Oh well, I bet Rylie will overcome that someday, especially that she got good parents like you Rose.

  28. You're a good Mom, Rose. You handle it so well...

    Thanks for dropping by


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