Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rylie & Fat Boy

My sister-in-law's Burmese Mountain dog, Fat Boy waqs newly groomed last week when we visited. Rylie had so much fun running around with Fatboy. He look very different with his hair trimmed of. He looks younger!

Fatboy is an awesome dog, we love him!

Thanks for dropping by folks.


  1. awww....he does looks different...I think I saw this dog before...ehehee!

    am going to trim buddy's hair again....bili kasi tumubo...ehehhe!

    sensya na sis ngayon lang ulit nakadalaw...waaaaa...tinatamad!

    thanks for putting the badge on your sidebar...sweet of yah...sensya na ngayon lang ako nagsimula mangimbita...waaaaa...tinamad kasi ako after I updated my!

    enjoy your weekend...salamat sa dalaw....mwah!

  2. Offtopic: Mommy :) I'm back :)
    invite po kita to join my mini contest now and blog contest (the one where you pledged for sponsorship) on July 1. Thanks po.
    >>>> Link to the minicontest:

  3. What a great name! I am a new follower via Friendly Friday-- thanks for dropping by my blog!

  4. Hello Fat boy, hehehehe Mommy Anne is here visiting you and your family... Happy Saturday Rose!

  5. Hello Fat boy, hehehehe Mommy Anne is here visiting you and your family... Happy Saturday Rose!

  6. Hello Fat boy, hehehehe Mommy Anne is here visiting you and your family... Happy Saturday Rose!

  7. Great shadow shots for the day! Looks like there was lots of fun to be had! Enjoy your weekend!


  8. Fatboy is a good dog, and so good looking, too. He seems a friend of the kids and loyal to his family. Nice captures!

  9. Fun Shadow Shots!! That FatBoy does not even look like a Burmese Mtn. Dog anymore though. Yikes he is bald!!

  10. Nice shots.. Fatboy looks like a great dog.

  11. so sweet! cute puppies & little one :)

  12. These photos are so cute! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  13. Great pics! Rylie is growing and getting prettier each day...Christine

  14. I like the dress of Rylie very pretty. And by the way mommy Rose did I see a clothes line? If that is what I see I am nagging my hubby to make me one, sayang and init nang araw at hinde ako makapagbilad nang aking mga labahin dito hehe. Conserve money and energy ako ^_^. Happy Sunday!

    Little Barn

  15. Dog lover talaga itong Rye ano bading, she love petting dogs.

  16. mahilig din ako sa aso Rose and Fatboy is so handsome hahaha...payakap...ang ganda din ni Rye lalo hehehe.

  17. The title of the post should have been- The Beauty And The Beast, lol. Rylie is turning out to be a real beauty just like her mom but Fat Boy is not a beast, he is a very affectionate dog, one that Rylie can really love and dote on. I kind of miss Champ and Chelsea already. Wish you can also feature them once in a while as they interact with your kids. Hindi naman siguro sila na caldereta na ano, joke lang, alam ko naman na hindi kayo kumakain nang aso, lol. Sige, thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  18. naku, wala ang little daughter ko nsa school. later kwento ko and im sure hanapin niya ulit ang post na toh..hehe. I just trimmed my pets hair,kaya lang di ko nacapture. since the day nasira ang camera ko nawalan na ko gana magpic.. paminsan na lang, i'm using my old digicam.. kaya di pa ako maka join syado sa mga meme.. visit lang muna ko..nice meme.. join ako next time..

  19. ang laki ng dog nyo. I dont know bakit ako takot sa aso hehe.pero yong anak ko parang gusto yata ang aso.
    buti nalang yong kids mo they love dogs, pati nanay tatay nila hehe.


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