Friday, June 18, 2010

Runaway Dog

We have Chelsea for almost six months now and we really like her as she is a very smart dog and she is also house trained already. The problem with her is that, she love to runaway every chance she gets.

Even now that we already have a fence, her first thing when we opened our front door is to take off. It's funny because, hubby and I were talking about her this afternoon when I was eating my lunch at the kitchen. He said that Chelsea is a good dog to have but she can't be trusted.
This afternoon, the kids went at the back yard and play with them. We let them ran around without a leash because the kids were there. After 30 minutes or so, I did not hear her bark anymore so I checked and sure enough, she's gone. She managed to squeezed in under the fence. Hubby went out and looked for her. Luckily, a lady with her kids were taking their two dogs for a walk and Chelsea hanged out with them. Oh Chelsea, will you please stopping running away?


  1. Maybe you should put GPS tracking device on her :D or cheaper version, a small bells on her collar.

  2. That is so hard Rose that Chelsea always run away when she got a chance. My dog Bones is the opposite. Even if our gate is opened he always stayed in our yard or inside the house. Sometimes though he will chase the cat or go to his bestfriend's house which is a house away from ours. Have you tried to google it about her behavior? Maybe you will find some answer to your question on how to stop her from running away. Have a nice day Rose..

  3. I think Chelsea need a friend..boyfriend

  4. Seems that Chelsea wants her own adventure!

  5. Chelsea is a pretty good escape artist! Our dog was like that. She once jumped over a seven foot fence by hiking her back legs on the support beam and pushing herself over. She did this with great regularity.

    If you have the time to stop by, my post is right here,

  6. Chelsea is a cutie!
    She seems to need a lot of attention to keep from getting in trouble.

  7. Hmm, have you had her "fixed" yet? Maybe it's the call of the wild...

    Tink *~*~*

  8. She's so cute! I sure hope she stops running away - that has to be scary for you!

  9. Maybe she saw the movie of Julia Roberts- The Runaway Bride and she's imitating her because she doesn't want to get married to Champ yet, bwahahaha, lol. Joke lang. Ibang klaseng aso rin si Chelsea ano? Kumakain nang flowers mo, tapos runaway dog pa, lol. Very adventurous talaga ang aso mong iyan. Thanks for the funny post. god bless you all always.

  10. Hehehe the run away dog. kailan kaya yan masasanay si chelsea sa new homey nya.

  11. That's make her more smart running away..hehe maybe you should get another playmate of chelsea that she could chase around your backyard...

  12. That's make her more smart running away..hehe maybe you should get another playmate of chelsea that she could chase around your backyard...

  13. That's make her more smartier by running away hehhe, maybe you should get another dog to be her playmate and she can chase around the backyard..

  14. She is a real little rascal that one I understand. She is so cute :)

  15. wa hahaha...lakwatsera pala yang chelsea na yan...lagyan mo kaya ng bell sa leeg Rose para alam mo kung nakalusot na naman...hehehe

  16. Hi Tink, she is actually already fixed, she just want to run away all the time. That is how we found her too, a friend found her on the road last winter and gave her to us.

  17. Alv888 and Sirromade, she has a boyfriend already, our dog Champ. The only thing is that Champ is very loyal to us, he never runs away.

  18. She's a free spirit and loves to roam. Love the GPS tracking device idea :D

  19. it happened to my pet already.. when i opened the gate, he quickly ran outside. good thing, he stopped by for something in the ground.. my little kid was screaming and crying, he was so scared that our pet might run away and get lost.. so now, we always make sure that he's locked inside the house..

  20. btw, my little girl always sneak into your blog and checking your update about your pets hihi..she's much a dog lover..


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