Wednesday, June 30, 2010

EJ's Photography

Hubby and I love photography, maybe that is why our two kids are so interested in taking photos too. I was taking photos of my husband while he was installing the shutters in the window and my son kept asking me if he can take a picture of me. So even if it was too hot, I posed for him with a frown lol. Here is our 3 year old's photography skill.

When I was single I used to love my legs but now I have so many peklats (scar) in it that I don't like it anymore. It's actually one of hubs favorite too. But even if I don't qualify for Miss Universe (naks nagarap) , I love ME for being ME hahaha.


  1. Looks like your 3 year old has some talent! A friend of mine is a professional photographer & he's had his kids behind the camera since they walk :) If they show an interest foster it, they could be the next Annie Leibovitz. Have a great one!

  2. ganda ng kuha ni EJ....pang model ang mo badingding...ehehhe!

  3. For a mom of two kids, you're still very sexy and lean. And yes, I think your son has a talent in photography.

    Mine's up HERE.

  4. My potential din pala itong EK mo bading ding, ganda ng pagkakuha. good job EJ.

  5. Hi, following you thru that :)
    Hope you check my corner out and follow me back.

  6. Yes, maganda nga ang legs mo, sexy ka sa kuha mo diyan. Marunong na palang kumuha nang litrato si EJ mo. Perfect ang pagkakakuha niya. Maganda siguro ang camera nyo kaya well adjusted agad. Thanks for the sexy post. God bless you all always.

  7. wow galing ni EJ ha... In the eyes of your husband you still have a lovely legs even you don't like it now.. hehehhe!

  8. magaling ang kuha ni EJ kasi sexy ng model, :D
    GT:I Love ME

  9. that's the right attitude, sisterette! loving ourself and being thankful. go girl!

    anyway, i love photography too. pati si yogi nahihilig na rin.

    thanks for the sweet comment on my GT post! mwahugs!

  10. scar? me also have them, so try cover up.

  11. ooh, i still think that your sexy even after giving birth to your lovely children. Take care sis and thanks for the visit.

  12. you sure have shapely legs ;)

    i have scars on my legs too, but i don't let it get in the way of my confidence to wear shorts every once in a while (when i feel like it. hee hee)

    thanks for joining GT! looking forward to seeing more of you in the coming weeks!

  13. a sexy, exotic model Mom!

    not just the legs but i love your height, Mommy! and you definitely seem to have those curves in the right places!

  14. wow..that's really great of you to say that...=)

  15. conservative talaga yung anak mu. yung may sapin ang kinunan yung legs hindi sinali... hahaha! My GT Entry is here

  16. Hahaha! my asset WAS also my legs until we take care three dogs and chickens. hahaha! nagkaron na ko ng mga black chuva galing sa bedbugs. hahaha! no more shorts for me. :D

  17. Your legs look great Rose, di naman kita ang peklat sa picture, hahaha! aba at si EJ mahilig ng mag picture ha.. mga anak ko rin ganyan, gusto nila sila mag picture, buti sana kung unbreakable ang camera, kahit mumu kapag nabasag eh di sayang din di ba??

  18. i think you look really sexy with those legs! :D

  19. Naku my future si EJ sa photography Ateh...parang hindi kuha ng 3 years old pa rin naman legs mo oh..

    My award pala ako sau Ateh Blog with Substance

  20. you are a sexy mama talaga sis...hayy..akin nalang yang legs mo

  21. Who says that only Miss Universe contestants are sexy? All of us ordinary girls are super sexy as well, don't you think so? ~mwah

  22. oi Sis Liit ng bewang mo huh!!! love it...Kinis din ng skin mo hahaha

    Happy Girls Talk

  23. You are a cute mommy. Obviously, your 3-year old loves you.

  24. Hi rose, sagdi lang di Ms. Universe, Ms. Blogniverse man. hehehe, I like your dress!

  25. woot!wot! wow Tokaya, ang sexy mo ha? as in may curves at ang photographer mo ang galing!

  26. wow sissy! EJ got talent and you still look lovely as ever! parang single pa :)

  27. a soon blogger and photographer! congrats EJ, you did a great job here! nice photography because of real great model too! you are pretty and sexy mommy rose!


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