Saturday, May 15, 2010

We Love You Momma!

When I was 29 years old and still not married.. and no boyfriend lol... my dreams of having my own children was falling apart. But God is so great that He gave me a great blessing to be a Mom to two loving kids.
On the night before Mother's Day, my daughter was very busy doing something and she asked me if she could use some aluminum foil for the art project that she was doing. I asked her what she was doing but she told me that it's a secret. When she got done, she handed me these flowers made from art paper and she used the alum. foil as stems. She also made me a card but I couldn't find it now (So sorry Rye), I will look for it though.
Then her and Daddy went to the store the night before Mom's day and she bought a card for me. It took 30 minutes for EJ to write his name lol.
I love you so much kids. I am grateful to be your Mom!
Before they went to the store, I instructed hubby not to buy me any flowers as it is very expensive. But when they returned, Rylie handed me this three red rose. I looked into my husband's eyes and he immediately told me that Rylie insisted to buy these (good thing the flowers was on the reduced price lol).
Thank you Lord that you gave me an great opportunity to be a Mother!
mommy moments


  1. you're so blessed having such a beautiful family.. a thoughtful and loving husband and sweet and gorgeous kids!

  2. sweettttttttttt.....nakaka touch naman ang familia de amor mo bading...God is really good indeed!

    bukas na ako blog hop...pagod ako kanina...waaaaaa....:)

    nag mow kasi ako sa front lawn kanina....hehhehhe!

    sige sis...mwah!

  3. super nakakatuwa mommy yung effort coming from our kids... belated happy mother's look amazing, keep glowing :)

  4. That's very sweet of your husband and two kids. Those are lovely roses, by the way!

  5. Sweet naman ni Rye at ng dad! I know you deserve to deserve those 3 red roses because you're such a great mom.
    Thanks sa dalaw, sis Rose.

  6. You are such a great Mom, and your kids obviously know that. Flowers, cards and embraces are the price for being a good MOM.

  7. sweet naman ng kids at hubby, are such a great mother kaya nagpipilit si Rylie na bilhan ka ng roses :-)

  8. Ang sweet naman ng baby girl mo pinaghirapan talaga yung flower gawin.

  9. You are so blessed by God to have two angelic kids that are so thoughtful and loving and a doting husband who is so kind and loving too. You could not have bargained for more. But God has so many things still in store for all of you. Just place Him at the center of your relationship and He will bless you with abundance and grace. Thanks for the feel good post. God bless you all always.

  10. Awww ang sweet ng mag ama mo bading. Rye is very sweet girl. You guys are bothe blessed to have each other and have two equally adorable kids. They are lucky to have you as their Mom and parents

  11. Thanks for sharing all your blessings! God is so good! What a precious, caring family you have. :)

  12. How lovely. So glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day. It's always the littlest of things that makes the difference. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  13. Belated Happy Mother's Day to you. I love the flowers... ur kids are sooo sweet ka touch nman.

  14. they are so sweet... you are truly blessed!


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