Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas Day 2015

The kids was part of the Christmas pageant at church so we had to leave the family gathering early.  Christmas pageant is an annual play of the  St. Joseph's students depicting the life of Jesus.  My son's part was  the  chief  shepherd.  The pageant is heald before the 6 o-clock mass.  It was a really good presentation.
 We took some photos  at home after church.  When my husband holds the camera, the photos comes in many different faces lol.
 The kids went to bed around 9 o'clock.  MY son reminded us to go to bed early so Santa wouldn't  pass our home.  Hubby and I  spent almost three hours, assembling the   gift that Santa have for the kiddos.
 We thought we will be able to sleep in on Christmas day but the kids were very excited to open gifts so they  woke us up at 6 am wahhh. I was so tired and sleepy.  When we went to the living room, all the gifts were taken out and piled up according to who it was for lol.

  It was funny, my son was  bummed out that they couldn't  find any gifts from Santa underneath the tree or anywhere in the  main house.  Santa actually left all his gifts  at the basement so I asked them to let the dogs out and they finally saw their  gifts when they  went down there.
 EJ got the  "professional" art kit that he wished  for.
 Daughter couldn't wait to see the  bean bag chair that she's been wanting for Christmas.
Her brother loved her  bean bag chair so he said he wants one for his birthday which is coming up  in three weeks.  Time flies, EJ is turning 9 years old.  Oh boy, where do the time go?
Hubby thought we didn't have  anythingwrapped for him but we were  sneaky about it.  The kids  got him somethingand I got him somethingas well.  Of all the people, we couldn't  forget  the man of the house.
 Ryestein got an artkit  from Santa as well.
 She also got her bother this nike set that we found  on sale when  she and I went shopping while the boys  watched the Star Wars movie.
 Theylove the  iPOd cases that we got for them.
Funny to hear them say "this is the best Christmas ever" every year!
 They got an air hockey from Santa.  Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus  had  a hard time putting this together lol.
 It is a great joy seeing them enjoy what Santa bring though.
 Even their Dad is having a great time playing with them.
 I hope you all have a great and merriest Christmas just like we did.  Iwish you all a  joyous new year! Shadow Shots


  1. It looks like quite the festive celebration.

  2. Looks as if every one had a grand Christmas. So many smiles all round. Grand photos.

  3. Sounds like a lovely Christmas, with everyone excited and happy.

  4. Nice gifts that are not always toys (except for the air hockey :) Practical and learning gifts are what parents want to bring to their kids when the are older. Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!

  5. Best Christmas ever! LOL. What a great way to make the day even more special. I remember that we had an air hockey game for our sone about the same age that EJ is now. Many hours of fun and laughter!

  6. sweet smiles,
    happy new year!

  7. happy kiddo, just like may toddler everytime we received a gift I let him open it and he really enjoying all of the gifts.

  8. It sounds like everyone had a GREAT Christmas! Everyone looks so happy! I love all your photos :)

  9. What lovely family pictures! My husband and I weren't on our game this year (since everyone was sick) so we have limited photos. We recorded the kids opening presents...but the camera batteries died after 5 minutes and we didn't realize it until after the fact!

  10. The kids look so happy with their presents. I would love to have that bean bag, too!

  11. What a fun Christmas! It's so great seeing the kids' smiles - I can just imagine how excited they must have been. Happy New Year!

  12. It looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas! I thought your daughter was excited when she found out the big box was for her.

  13. Wow! It look like your family had a great Christmas! Your daughter looks more than excited in that photo hoping for her bean bag chair. What an awesome mom and dad you guys were for granting her that wish.

  14. It sounds like your family had an awesome Christmas. Ours was pretty darn great, too. Your kids are adorable!

  15. Ha! Sleeping in on Christmas? What were you thinking? LOL I remember when my kids were little. They'd rush into our room the minute they woke up, but I would make them wait until I had showered, put on my makeup and did my hair. You would have thought I was killing them! It looks like your family had an awesome Christmas ... Happy New Year!

  16. Aww, it looks like everyone had a great time. Opening presents is always a lot of fun.

  17. What a bunch of great presents. I got a bunch of art supplies and drawing tablets. I joined an art journal challenge and need to get going on that in the next few days.

  18. What a fabulous Christmas you had! WE were also up at 6 am! The excitement is just too much! MErry Christmas!

  19. What a joyful Christmas all around! I haven't played air hockey in way too long!

  20. The kids had a great Christmas! My kids slept in until about 10 or so! We always drive around and see the lights late at night, so they usually stay asleep until 930 or 10AM! It gives us a while to catch up on sleep because we have to help put santa's gifts together and those take forever!

  21. Your Christmas resembles mine. The kids woke insanely early and the gifts where all spectacular. My boys are still saying they got the best gifts ever.

  22. Looked like you had a great time opening gifts! I'm loving your photos, your smiles are so precious!

  23. Glad you all had a Merry Christmas! Don't you just love playing air hockey. I really enjoy playing that game.

  24. Looks like a great Christmas! I would love to have an air hockey table, that would be so much fun!

  25. Wow...Santa was very good to your family. Love all the pictures! And I still want a bean bag chair too :-)

  26. What a wonderful holiday! It looks like everyone is just thrilled with what they got!

  27. Looks like you all had a great holiday together! This was our first Christmas with our grandson so it was extra special.

  28. Looks like you all had a beautiful Christmas holiday together. Thanks for sharing your day.

  29. Can't believe Christmas is over already! The holidays went extremely fast but it was awesome. Thanks for sharing your day with us.

  30. Looks like everyone had a good Christmas. What a surprise to find the gifts elsewhere. I used to love getting art supplies for the holidays – my favorite type of gift.

  31. That looks like a fun Christmas! Love that everyone has a game they can play together.

  32. Love seeing the holidays through the eyes of kids! It is much more magical!

  33. looks like the kids had a wonderful time opening their presents! good thing they had the patience to wait until Christmas Day! My little man opened all this gifts before the Christmas eve celebration, good thing we had one left for him to open come Christmas day! :)


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