Thursday, December 17, 2009

My FIL's Sofa Bed

Now that we are temporarily living here at my father-in-law, we are using his sofa bed. My husband took this photo when I was taking a nap the other day. Dad's house has two big bedroom on the second floor, my husband and EJ uses the other bed at the other room and me and Rye on this room. I am glad that my children and my FIL are having a great time together. They are making up for the lost time when we were in Korea for almost two years.

We will be transferring to our own home after the holidays and before we do that we have to get a double deck bed for the kids. We have been looking for childrens beds in the nearest store here in our area and also looked online. Hopefully we could find one that is a little inexpensive, maybe Santa Claus will be able to hear my wishes and grant it lol. Sorry for my cheesy rumbling folks. Need to go hit the bed now so goodnight everyone. Thanks for dropping by.

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