Friday, June 19, 2009

That's my Dad!

Our Dad is awesome, he is willing to teach us everything including bugs , ants, worms and other little creature you can see in the ground.
He is a loving husband and Dad! Sometimes he want to be a kid too, making silly gestures like this. He is thankful that God gave him a daughter and a son. Even when he is busy with his renovation at our basement, he is still willing to play and pose for a pic with us. For us, he is the best Sailor ever! He makes us happy with his goofy faces like this.. Our dad wants to be a jack of all trade so he knows a lot of stuff like remodeling, renovating, or whatever you call it. I am so happy that he always let me help him do chores like shoveling snow in our driveway. Sometimes, we want to think that Dad want to be a scientist because he like to do experiment like this one. Yup, for me Daddy is the honorable sailor of the Universe! See, he loves us and he always plays with us. He is wiling to be a bull just to give us satisfaction and happiness. Our dad is loving, caring, funny, witty, supportive, understanding, and crazy (in a good way). So Dad, even if you have the most stinkiest fart in the whole world, we love you because you are our only DAD! Happy Father's Day!


  1. I love all the pics Rose! Rylie and Ej are so blessed to have a daddy like John. Very hands-on and very all-around! ang galing! Siguro love na love talga nila daddy nila and misses him so much when John is away. Kisses to the kids. :)

  2. Aw, very sweet! So nice, Rose! Your husband must be so happy to see this.

    Thank God for such loving husbands. You're so blessed to have him. And, of course, your children too. :)

    Happy Father's Day!

  3. Yes, Happy Father's Day to John. He is really the best father and husband to his children and wife. You are indeed a blessed family to have loved and cared for one another. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  4. He is 100% Cool dad and your super man, grabe he can do everything na ata.Sis the pictures shows how loving and caring father he is.You are really blessed to have him =).
    Have a great weekend

  5. those are great sets of photos to honor your kids Father.Thanks for sharing.

  6. I LOVE these beautiful pictures showing us sweet moments of your lovely family. Best regards and wishes too from Cyprus. Philip

  7. These pictures are so nice...thanks for sharing them with us! you are so blessed in your life for having such a happy family and a husband who loves you so much... happy father's day, joops :-)!

  8. hands down to you manang! well presented..galing galing naman ni daddy! all-around-salsa...hhehhehe...:) thanks for sharing sis....great job! Happy father's day in advance to your jowa (John)! miss yah manang ko....:)

    Musta na kayo dyan? kakabalik ko lang sa PC ko today and will blog hop in a miss ko mag blog hop sa blogland...been awhile na rin akong absent eh...:)

    Ano pala plans nyo sa father's day? Sige sis blog hop muna ako..babawi muna ako sa katribo natin...ehhehe...mwah! miss you...:)

  9. You got a superhusband-slash-superdad there, Rose!

    And thanks for the humor at the end of this lovely show!

  10. This is a heart-warming post. Your husband definitely enjoys every moment of being a Dad to your cute kids. Happy Mommy Moments er Daddy Moments.

    I'll post mine in a bit. I'll add you to my list, if its ok w/ you. Thanks. :-)

  11. naku Mommy hindi pa gabi un haha.. bulok lang ung cam na gamit ko when I took the photo, I zoomed it kase ang layo nila..

    I love all your photos ha, it shows na super fun ang family nyo. Happy Father's Day to yuor hubby Mommy..

    Thanks for visiting my That's my daddy!

    Make or Break

  12. why do all dads have stinky farts?! hahaha! happy father's day to john.

  13. i like his goofy face! happy father's day!

  14. aw!! happy father's day!! :)

  15. wow, it's nice to be here again Mommy. Great daddy!

  16. give my greetings to juan mads
    too early ang father day here --

  17. What a lovely family! happy fathers day to your hubby.

  18. visiting your mm entry! you have a wide collection of cool pictures! i love them...happy father's day to your hubby!

    hope you can visit my entry too. cheers!

  19. ow envy ko sis, super! you and ur kids are blessed to thave the best husband and best father in the world. stay as happy as you are and always treasure family togetherness. happy friday! sana makahanap din ako ng best husband soon.

  20. btw sis, i am back to tell you the link to the Your Name in the 1950s. it's here i hope u will take it.

  21. You and kids are truly blessed! and oh, your kids look so adorable!

  22. what a sweet moment between dad and siblings ^_~. Happy Father's Day to your husband ate..

  23. Lovely pictures rose, the kids really enjoy bonding with their daddy. They adore him and so proud of their daddy. Happy Father day John

  24. following ur blog also..thanks for the comments..have a wonderful weekend.

  25. following also in ur blog...thanks for the comments...have a wonderful weekend..

  26. wow, so many daddy moments! :D

    thanks for sharing them with us :)

    happy father's day to him!

  27. Mommy I added you on my blog roll ha and I am one of your follower na din hihi

    Make or Break

  28. love the pics huh talagang kahit pagod cge lang may time pa din great dad happy fathers day for him

  29. Happy father's day kay loving Hubby mo. He is one of the best father in this world. Congrats for Rylie and Ej to have a father like their dad

  30. What a wonderful Dad you've got. Happy Father's Day to you guys. All the best to you and your family :)

  31. wow lovely photos... I guess almost all men loves nature. Happy father's day to your goodlooking and loving husband =)

  32. Nasa kanya na yata lahat ng hinahanap mo Mommy,Blessed & lucky of you & your kids for havin' a great & wonderful dad in the universe,sure you wont ask for more seems you're happy & satisfied indeed.Happy fathers day to a great dad in your lives.Btw,added you into my lists so that I can follow you either,thanks for the visit & for following mine too.God Bless!

  33. Ohh.. it's so obvious that John is a good,kind,loving and wonderful Dad! I bet, you are one good creature,Rose, that God blessed you with such award!
    Happy Father's Day to him!

    Been out of the scene for a while. Miss your posts!


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