Saturday, December 13, 2014

ET and EJ

EJ was drawn to this ET  statue at Kennywood.  He find it fascinating.  He remember the movie we watched with ET,
 His fascination would not be complete with a document so here it is.  He tried to imitate  the smile of the ET but it doesn't look like it lol.
Going to amusement park is fun but tiring.  No matter how tiring it is though, the kids  does not want to leave,  They are full of energy when it comes to exploring things to do for fun!


  1. Boys have different curiousity than girls and I would not blame him if he gets very curious with this ET as many of us do.

  2. Kids really seem to have unlimited supply of energy. I sometimes wonder if they're solar-powered or something. haha

  3. Awww! that is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo adorable Sis R. It looks like their buddies and getting along just fine :-)


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