Thursday, April 16, 2009

Savor the simple Things

As a mother of two, I truly understand what Denise Austin is trying to say in her article that I copied below. It is very true that simple things make our children happy, that is why we have to value every little moment that we shared with our kids. Photos were taken at the lobby of the hotel in Legazpi City where we stayed.

Have you ever noticed how easily most children are made happy? Simple things — a colorful sticker, a trip to the park, hugging a cuddly puppy — make them squeal with delight and smile for hours.

Naturally, it's not as easy for adults to be so easily satisfied. While simple things should make us happy, life has gotten more complicated. Cute as they are, puppies just won't do it anymore — our happiness too often comes from big paychecks and expensive purchases. We've got less time to enjoy life and we're more stressed out. It's enough to make you wish you were a kid again!


  1. hi sis. thanks for the comment and for sharing your experience..^_^ salamat sa pagbisita sis ^_^

  2. you're right kabayan! hays, wish i could turn back time, hehehe the time wherein life is not complicated, hehehe! grown up has a lot of things to worry at, or better yet loves to make things complicated, hheehehe! take care! enjoy every moment with ur kiddoes kabayan, time passes so fast, then one day youl wake up ang lalaki n nila, hehehehe! take pics and treasure every moment! take care!

  3. A gorgeous Wednesday to you, from the Gorgeous Mum!

  4. was here, just dropping by to see the beautiful kids in here

  5. very nice pictures here Rose,

    having bonding huh...that is why

    i admire your family

  6. sis, i'm back already added your site. pasensya na late sis. bc lately. see you more often and have a great day. Ingatz and God bless ^_^

  7. Good morning,Ate Rose!!You have lots of award from me--grab it if you have time!^_^

    Have a nice day!Happy Thursday!

  8. I agree... parang most of the time mas nasisiyahan tayo when we have money lol.. pero ganun talaga panahon ngayon. Buti pa mga kids, seems like they dont have problems. Kaya important din na sometimes we have to feel like a kid to relax. oh well, cute talaga mga kids mo... have anice day


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