Monday, March 2, 2009


Thank you Clarz for tagging me with this one, and again sorry for the late post hehehe... Am soooooooooooo busy these days.. If you guys want to do this name-ology tag, just please feel to grab this okay, thanks for dropping by and commenting..


1. What is your salad dressing of choice? Ranch Dressing

2. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? Bigg's in Legazpi City

3. What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of? Corn

4. What are your pizza toppings of choice? I like hawaiian pizza because of pineapple lol

5. What do you like to put on your toast? butter or peanut butter


1. How many television sets are in your house? One

2. What color cell phone do you have? gray, but I don't use it no more because when we transfer here my simcard did not work!!

3. Do you own a laptop? we have one but some of the keyboards doesn't work anymore... grrrrr to the movers

4. Do you own an ps3? No

5. What kind of cellphone do you have? Nokia 6280 i think, am not sure hehehe!


1. Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right-Handed

2. Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Teeth hehehe..

3. Have you ever had any surgery? Yes, two C-Section (do this count?).

4. How much do you weigh? 98 lbs.

5. How tall are you? 4 ' 11'' ( so short huhuhu)


1. Favorite season? Summer

2. Favorite holiday? Christmas, Halloween, Easter

3. Favorite day of the week? Saturday and Sunday

4. Favorite month? February, love month eh hehehe

5. Favorite brand of chocolate? Merci


1. Currently missing someone? Yes, my in laws back in the States, good thing we're going to see my family in the Philippines, YES!

2. Current mood? Sleepy and tired, so after this will put my body in bed na lol..

3. Currently listening to? My conscience, telling me to go to sleep lol.

4. Currently watching? Cinderella Man (again), we been watching this for life hahaha

5. Currently worrying about? That my kids will get sick when we go to the Phils... I hope not!!

Alright Guys, goodnight, thanks again for visiting and commenting!


  1. hello Rose and thank you for dropping by my blog and for following me again.

    you are right. it's because of google's new friends connect why our followers went down in number. nawalan din ako ng 40 followers. pero okey lang. according to google, those 40 persons are still following me kaya lang, privately lang daw. only those who are publicly following us are included on the count. but i guess cute din naman yung friends connect.

    ui. by the way, idol nga pala kita sa PPP. i always look at how you are doing. and oo.. honestly, inggit ako sa iyo pero at the same time, masaya ako sa achievements mo. you deserve it, rose!

    have a great day!

  2. hmm. weird. i posted my comment kaya lang, nawala! kainis!

    anyway, you are right. the reason why our followers went down in number is because of google's new friends connect. mine went down from 193 to 153. nawalan ako ng 40. pero okey lang. ganun talaga eh. hehe.

    pero, thank you for following me again. at least, we are following each other ulit.

    idol nga pala kita sa PPP. and oo.. inggit ako sa iyo. ang galing mo talaga! tsaka syempre, masaya ako for you... kasi, you deserve it! idol!

    have a great day and thank you so much for being a good friend kahit na di pa talaga tayo nagkikita in real life.

    have a great day! mwah

  3. That's a cute picture you have there! I like Ranch Dressing too.:D

    Take care, Rose! :D

  4. Oy ang sexy ha 98 lbs lang!pangarap ko yan! hehehe! hirap magpapayat naku summer pa naman sarap magpa sexy sa beach!lol

  5. wow, i weigh 2 pounds more mommy ka talaga Rose ha...hehehe

  6. Hello Te,Rose!!Thanks for posting kahit na busy ka ngayon!!Ang sexy mo naman,Te!!Ako di pa bumabalik yung dati weight!(T_T)

    Ingat na lang po sa biyahe!!Regards to all your family circle!^_^

  7. wow! 98lbs something you can be thankful. hehehe...

    kelan pala kayo uwi ng pinas?

  8. Mommy Rose, kakainggit ka.. u only weigh 98 lbs.. waaahh.. super taba na pala ako huhuhu..

    Its fun to know more about u Mommy Rose..kelan ba ang balik nyo sa States.. are u planning also to go to Pinas for vacation?

  9. ako rin mahilig sa hawaiian pizza

    sayang di ko pa kayo mamimeet this year during your visit in the Philippines

    I wish and pray for you and family's safe trip though


  10. Have a safe trip to Pinas, Rose :-). I am sure you will lose more wieht there because of the weather; be sure to eat more :-), so you will maintain your sexy body :-) take care! We will sure miss you!


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