Thursday, February 12, 2009

chapped hands

Do you experienced having chapped hands. My husband and I experiences that with our fingers during winter. It is painful, good thing when we came here, my Korean friend gave me this moisturizer that really works..
Hands can become so dry and chapped -- especially during winter -- that they can become very painful.
The U.S. National Library of Medicine offers these suggestions to help prevent chapped hands: 1. Keep them covered, avoiding exposure to sun, cold or wind. 2. Don't wash your hands with water that's too hot. 3. Wash your hands when necessary to prevent the spread of germs, but don't overdo it. 4. Use a humidifier at home. 5. Stay away from harsh soaps. 6. Moisturize your hands frequently


  1. Oh!~ This is awful.. hope your hand will be back to normal after applying moisturizer..

  2. I not only have developed chapped hands, but due to the frequent handwashing at the hospital during work has given me dishidrotic eczema which gets worse during winter months when the air is so dry. What moisturizer is that that was given to you? How effective is it?

  3. Actually I just had a slight one on my finger little prince mummy, it wasnt bad at all..

  4. You are like my sister in law manang, she is a nurse so she washes her hands oftentimes too and during winter her hands splits and bleed all the time..

  5. oh no...hehhe...samin sistah is chapped lips...hehhe...buti nalang may chapped lipstick...hhehe! ok na kamay mo?

  6. looks bad. no havent experienced it yet.

  7. Like my sister-in-law,too--she's a midwife and always having a chapped hands.Yes, applying a moisturizer is a big help.

    Ate,I e-mailed you at your mail add for the instructions I'm requesting.Thank you po!

  8. thankfully i dont have a problem with chapped hands but chapped lips.


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