Wednesday, January 7, 2009

one of a kind

We bought this heart shaped sayote squash at the asian store in Pittsburgh Pynselvannia last year and I found it very unique. You seldom find a vegetable shape like that, that's my first time seeing one. This was taken at the kitchen of our house back in the mainland. This picture makes me miss our home kitchen, I can't wait till we can go back there again.


  1. Wow! one of a kind nga..this is rare..never pa akong nakakakita nito sis...sana nag ask ka ng seedlings..hehhehe..para may sarili kang garden full of heartshape sayote....hehhehe!

  2. Oh wow! This is my first time also seeing a heart shape Fruit.

  3. galing!it's okay not to leave a comment busy siguro kayo c:

    anyway,have a tag for both of you c:

  4. Good thing I took a picture of it hehehe... It looks really great!

    Sana nga dhemz, prineserve ko noh hehehe..

  5. Now you do Willie.. It is actually a veggie..

  6. Hello mareng Icy, thanks for the tag..


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