Monday, January 12, 2009

mr. serious and ms. playful

With our two children, our daughter is always the jolly one, "always on the go" type. Our son on the other hand is always mellow, silent and serious. As you can see in the picture, he's in the deep thought while she's in the playful mood. Sometimes I worry about our son because his development is a little bit late compared to our daughter. He is turning two in 4 days but his words are not complete. He has this installment type of saying the words. Say for example the word "water" he only say "wa" he seldom complete the word. Our daughter started talking as in talk in sentences when she was 18 months old. Need some suggestions, tips or any advise you can give.. Thanks a lot!


  1. don't worry too much about your son's speech dear..most pediatricians said that speech development on male children are often delayed compared to female..

  2. i have a nephew and a niece who are like them. mr serious and ms playful. i miss them.

  3. i like my baby girl be as playful ay rylie..,hahaha..mas makulit mas masayang makipag bonding..

  4. Ask open questions - this will encourage here to talk more.

  5. Sistah Rose, grabe ang cucute tlga ng mga kids mo... heheh inggit ako da! d bale gagawa n kmi... hehehe

    How was your weekend otherwise? mwah mwah wmah

  6. I like your angels they are so cute, I know their guardian angels are taking care of them.Gastric Band Surgery

  7. Sistah Rose, grabe ang cucute tlga ng mga kids mo... heheh inggit ako da! d bale gagawa n kmi... hehehe

    How was your weekend otherwise? mwah mwah wmah

  8. hhahah...I can tell the difference...agreed ako kay kittykat sistah...bayaan mo na uy...serious ata yang ulitawo Akesha nga sabi ng doctor mahuhuli din sya kasi nga sa bahay more than one language yung naririnig nya...may mga words naman kaya syang na a utter sis dba?

  9. Rose, don't worry about EJ because it is normal and nothing wrong with him. As I read in magazine (American Baby), KittyKat is right. When he started speaking, you can not stop him :-). Jacob was like that before and like you, I worried too much then, but the doctor said, he was fine! Now, Jacob wouldn't stop from talking, sometimes drives me crazy... never ending "whys"

  10. Yap,boys are often delayed compared to the nephew is also like that--but there's no problem about his speech.No need to worry,dear!

  11. they're so cute when they're still young. Now it Mr. and Miss Burritos.

  12. You're daughter is really a jolly kid but I'm sure your son would catch up.


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