Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Isn't it amazing that even if our children's face are messy, they still look beautiful in the eyes of us, parents? The smile and funny faces that they make sure does make a magic to uplift our spirit all the time. Turns our tiring day into a relaxing and enjoyable one once we see their smiles and hear their laughs and giggles. Being a parent is the great gift that God bestowed to us adults.


  1. I am 100 percent agree with you girl even just a little smile from them would really make our day.

  2. hehhe...cute naman ng mga inakay mo..love those faces..hehheh!

  3. Hi Rose!
    Ang ku-cute talagang mga kids mo kahit pa mag-make faces!!! Pa-kurot sa cheeks! He he..

    Btw, what happened to your other blog? Can't access it. Indicating it to be a reported attack site. Hmmn.. somebody might have used it to spread harm. What could be the problem?!


  4. Especially when they are giving you hugs and kisses.. sarap!

  5. Hello Tita Beng, I don't know what happen but I can open it on my side.. Pareho kayo ni dhemz, di rin nya maopen..


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