Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Letting GO!

Okay, I made it official. I gave up my part time job just so I could have full time with my family and of course more time with blogging as well lol. I filed my resignation without regret because I know that in the long run, it will benefit my family especially our children. I can have as many jobs as I want but the time that I spend with my children is more precious than having an extra income. Besides I am not happy with what I am doing in that job so letting go is the best thing that I did.


  1. The best decision is that one which is in harmony with our desires!!!

  2. You know in your heart what you really want, that makes the descision easy. Good luck with you blogging venture.

  3. Its true girl if your not happy at all it would be easy for you to get tired of what you do, Unlike if you are happy kahit na gabundok ang dapat mong i file, you would still smile at the end of the day.

  4. glad to know about it is all worth it naman eh,besides kumikita ka rin while at home with the kids....hhehheh! great decision.

  5. Hi Rose, being a full time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in any field, since the payment is pure love.
    Have fun....Yes, you can! and live life with no excuses, love with no regrets.
    Best regards...Lee.

  6. I salute you for that master. I stay at home mom too. And go to school twice a week. If I start working I don't think Am going to be full-time. I love my family and i want and that is my first priority like yours. Anyway, you have a beautiful blog.

  7. Congratulations. My wife gave up her career to devote her time to bring up our son and to run my home which she had to because I was hardly present due to the nature of my work. Neither she nor I have ever regretted it.

  8. Wow sistah Rose, ganda ng layout mo d2.. I like pastel colors... uy thanks ng marami sa mga comments mo ha, touch ako!

    Btw, yes the bottom line is, you are happy with what you did, and giving time to listen to ourselves! typical example is, ako I realy want to give up my job to save my baby meron na kc akong phobia during my 1st pregnancy, it was because of too much stress!! I will give another couple of days then will decide..

    Plus make sure to have time for families huh, kids mo hilig paman dn sa laro yan with their parents, mamimiss nila yan if you change their routine...

    Anyway, its tagging time:

    Grab it if you have time.... thanks in advance...

  9. i got tag for ate grab it anytime thanks

  10. i agree with you , rose :-) am glad for the decision you made for the sake of your family esp. your kids!

  11. Working Mom ka pala(dati),Te Rose.Good luck po sa paba-blogging!! I'll be here as one of your reader!!\(^0^)/


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