Thursday, December 11, 2008

Our First Xmas Party with Pinoys

These pictures were taken when we attended the Christmas party of the Filipino-American in West Virginia 2 years ago (2006). All the Filipinos who live there always have a monthly get together, where in, they say the rosary and eat Filipino foods afterwards. And then during Christmas, they assemble for a big celebration with lechon baboy (roasted pig) and many Filipino delicacies.Rylie was a socialite that night hehehe, she was dancing in the dance floor. I am glad that my daughter didn't get my shyness. She is very outgoing like her Dad. I miss those gatherings coz over here they don't have roasaries and stuff. They have parties once in a while but not like in Country Road..


  1. hi rose!

    your daughter is a star in the making, she looks cute on her dress and dancing like star in your pics :)

    nyways i answered ur comment on my blog regarding ec dropping :D hope it helps!

    take care! mwah

  2. that's true..tayo kasing mga pinoy tlagang mahilig sa mga handaan..hahaha.. cutie tlga ng baby mo..

  3. Let's hope you have many more years of this to come.

  4. hi rose.. how r u ? kumusta? haha.. i learn a word or 2 from u all..
    yr daughter is very cute.. at this age, she is not shy yet.. perhaps when reaching her teens, she might be more shy then..
    do keep in touch..God bless..

  5. Love the look of your new layout.

  6. You have a wonderful family. Hope you will enjoy the fun this Christmas and got to have your girl dance again. And thanks for visiting me blog.

  7. They do have Filifino-American Christmas Party here, but a little pricey. We have to pay #30 per person. I haven't attended one yet. Fil-Am Association they call it. My husband doesn't like crowd, so di na kami umaattend. Its nice though to see lots of Kababayans.
    I bet my daughter Wrozlie would be dancing in the middle of the dance floor too, di yun nahihiya eh..Hahaha

  8. Rose she is a cutie, i really enjoyed looking at her in the pictures; a star in the making as what niko said :-)

  9. wow! hehhe..always si Rye yung spotlight..she looks cute on her dress..Akesha is like that too..she is very outgoing like her papa...:)


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