Sunday, December 7, 2008

miniature golfer

This was taken last year when our daughter was a golf enthusiast lol. We forgot to bring her golf set here and she misses it. I am thinking that she might have a potential to be a golfer in the future ha ha ha. what do you think guys?


  1. i think good idea mads kaso prepare kana ki pang membership hehehehe

  2. How adorable is that. She's a little sweetie. Let's hope she becomes a World famous golfer and earns lots and lots of money.

  3. hello,,thanks for visiting my blog..She is 4 months old now..your kids are so cute too..I want to follow your blog it's okay with you? ingats..

  4. That would be fun Mrs. Lincoln hahaha.. Hopefully in the future...

  5. Hi Issa, yeah sure you can follow my blog, it will be a great pleasure to me..

  6. who knows...she might become a professional golfer someday....

  7. Super kikay imong anak Rose.... how I wish I have a baby girl like her too :)

  8. Super kikay imong anak Rose.... how I wish I have a baby girl like her too :)

  9. Super kikay imong anak Rose.... how I wish I have a baby girl like her too :)

  10. hhahaha....cute Rye...she might be a prof golfer someday...!


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