Tuesday, December 16, 2008

travel journal

I was organizing our photos the other night because it was already filing up here hehehe. I bought this cute photo album at Homeplus which is designed for all your travel snapshots. So I put all our mini adventures in Korea on this album.

Speaking of travels, we are going for a three day weekend in Osan this week. We'll be leaving on Friday the 19th and will be back on the 21st. That will be our end of the year adventure here. But that will depend on my daughter's health condition because she has a cold right now. My poor little princess. Hubby bought this sleeping bag because he does not want to get a separate room for him, he wants to sleep in the same room with us. There are no big rooms to the hotel where we will be staying so he decided to get this one. He got a not so nice experience when we first stayed there last time, the cleaning lady threw away his shaving stuff hahaha. he did not have any clothes there so I think, the cleaning lady thought that somebody just left it there.

Have a good day everyone and thanks for dropping by and commenting!


  1. It's nice to spend some days off with family during Holiday Season. I never been to Winter Wonderland, but we went to this Amusement Park in Osan but I can't remember the name of it.

    I will be joining my husband for 2 days in North Carolina after Christmas, but I will bring Wrozlie with me, I think, it's great that me and my husband can spend a little time together. We can't have everything, right?

    Take care and Have a great Holidays to you and your family.

  2. Oh wow, we went there too this summer liz...

    That's good that you and your hubby will have couple of days off..

  3. hope by that time Rye is feel'n better...pictures nalang samin sis...hehhehe! hope you guys will enjoy your adventure....:)

  4. have fun with your family trip and adventure :-) poor joops, hope he wouldn't lose his clothes again :-)


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