Saturday, December 20, 2008

Holiday Wish

When I came to the States to live with my new family, I had a lot of apprehension because it was my first time meeting my in-laws in person. But I am so lucky because all of my husband's relatives and family are very kind hearted. I never had any problems dealing with them in any way whatsoever. I just wish that my mother-in -law is still around at the time when I arrived, especially when I had my first born. She passed away before I arrived in the United States. But anyhow, Aunt Athelea, my mother-in- law's sister, is very nice to me. She told me that I am her adopted daughter and that I can call her Mom. I was so happy about it because I really needed a "mother figure" that could guide me through motherhood. We called my father-in-law the other day and he told us that Aunt Athelea is in the hospital, that she was diagnosed with cancer. We were saddened by the news, but all we can do is to pray for her, that God may cure her. My wish for this holiday is this, may God heal all those people who are suffering from terminal illness.


  1. we have the same experienced I wish I meet my mom-in-law..I came here in the US during her burial....though her sister is very very nice to I wish she live close to us but she live 5 hours away from us..anyhow, hope your aunt will get better soon!

  2. Oh really, i thought you still have a mom in law manang... yeah, Aunt Athelea is very loving to us, she really treat me like her won daughter.... I hope that she will hold on till we get back in the mainland again..


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