Monday, December 15, 2008

fish sauce on tinola?

It was so cold the other day so I cooked something that has soup in it, I made tinolang manok. My husband ask me something interesting when I was making it. He asked why I have to add a fish sauce on a chicken meat. Bakit nga ba? I think it add a unique flavor to the sabaw (soup) rather than using a salt. What do you think? Do you add fish sauce in making tinola? But anyhow, this Filipino dish is very easy to prepare. All you need is chicken meat (I prefer chicken breast), papaya or sayote squash, ginger, pepper and pepper leaves (spinach is a great alternatives too), fish sauce, garlic, onion, chicken broth or water and black pepper to taste. To prepare, you need to saute the garlic, onion, chicken meat and the papaya then add fish sauce and water/chicken stock. Bring to a boil and when the meat is tender put the spinach and pepper and tadah you have a yummy tinola.... Try it , its goodah!


  1. wow...favorite ko to..chicken tinola..girl ang baby ko according to my ultra sound.sana kasing cute ng baby girl mo..,

  2. i do put fish on my tinola, too rose and i think you are right it adds flavor to the dish. hubby loves fish sauce with vinegar and chili when i cook nilaga :-), he dips the nilaga into it.

  3. wohooo! never heard this before manang ko. Sounds weird..wondering kung ano ang it a combination of chicken and fish? hehhehe....looks delis though!

  4. Ang sarap higupin ng sabaw nito :) Nagutom na tuloy ako Rose.

  5. i pretty much like patis on whatever i eat...btw, added you to my blogroll on all my three blogs!

  6. tell john sauce is the secret weapon of food flavoring.--to enhance the taste..hehe
    iba talaga kasi tastebuds natin mga pinoy very sensitive sa taste meaning 100% ang tastebuds natin nag wowork.


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