Friday, April 18, 2014

Straight A Students

My son is doing great in school. He is not as active as his sister with extra curricular activities but he is a straight A student. He cried yesterday because he handed me his report card and his Math grade have declined from 100% to 95%. I told him that he still have to recuperate from that grade. He said he doesn't understand why his grade have lowered down since he is really good in Math. I explained to him that he missed one question during their recent test which affected his grade.
I am  grateful that my children are really serious with their studies.


  1. I have this award for you, too. Just visit Pinay Pathways to see how special you are....

  2. congrats on your award!!!!! :)

  3. It will not be difficult to get that grade back up! Anyone can have a bad day--In my opinion he is still an A student!

  4. Such a smart boy! congrats and enjoy your reward!

  5. Congratulations to your son! Wow! I wish my DD will be smart when she's in school.

  6. Smart kid your indeed so bless sis, I couldn't even identify the continent anymore by just looking at the globe. I am not smarter like a 5th grade he he..

  7. You raised them well mommy. How blessed! Great job, young man. Keep it up!

  8. That's great that both of your kids are doing so well in their studies... You should be proud as he really pay attention to his grades. :)

  9. Awww you must be feeling so proud of them sis

  10. way to go EJ....congrats for being an A student!


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