Sunday, November 2, 2008

Haunted Tale

Here's a story of the two kids of a couple who celebrated their spooky Halloween in Chinhae Korea. We'll go on with the tale through pictures. Here we go, we will start with the try out with the costume.
The boy named EJ refused to wear his Indian boy costume, while the little girl Rylie enjoyed her lil' devil outfit. Halloween isn't fun for EJ, for him its a torture lol... Nahh just kidding, he wasn't feeling good because of his sipon (cold). Awoooooooooo! "Be ready to hide, I'm coming" said Lady in Red. Ms. Lil' devil is trying to play a trick with her brother so that EJ will stop crying... Hmmmmnnn, looks like its working.. see the smile on EJ's face? Good job Ate! The family invited a couple of friends to make the celebration more fun and memorable. Here's Lady Red with the Knight, his name is Dae In or David. He is the son of the family's friend, Eula. Amy was invited also. Thanks guys for coming! Here's going to the haunted house.. The medical team made it inside the bunker.
Creepy....Awooooooooooo! There's no success in exploring the haunted house because as soon as we entered the door, EJ freaked out. Rylie went down bravely, until.....she saw the dummies, laying everywhere and a scary voice chased us away. Rylie screamed "I wanna go out now, let's go back up, I am scared". So we failed to see everything.

the treaters... A lot of Korean kids came to the base, i think 80 percent of the trick or treaters are from Korea since the don't celebrate it such occasion.
We head down to Duffy's when we got tired and enjoyed some pizza, chicken and bread sticks. Forgot to take pix, the mommy was so hungry to remember it lol...
In front of Duffy's resto...

Amy's sweet Halloween treat for Rylie.. Thank you so much Amy-Kamsa Hamnida!


  1. nata ang iibi si pocohontos!?::(boy version)
    mana an sa ninang dai nagsasabay sa uso! hehe good ej boy!

  2. hahhahah..what a tale...nice pics sistah..Rylie must enjoying her costume than EJ about the candies? where are they?hehehh...:)

  3. Happy Halloween to your family.

  4. Hi Rose..did u get any feedback from SR? I havent even though i submitted 2 tickets to them..hope they will advise us what to do next..

  5. rylie knows how to take a pose,hehehehe and joops looks so cute with his annoyed face at his costume...Happy Halloween!!!!

  6. wahaha!

    hang cute!
    pakurot naman

  7. hi Chubs.. I have a cute award for u in my blog..please do accept it..thanks..

  8. hi.. a cute tag for u in my blog, chubs.. and about SR, i also submitted 3 tickets cos i hv 2 blogs same opps... but so far, no response from them... well, guess we have to wait till the expiry day..haha.. as u said its only 3.25

  9. Hi Sis! Katuwa naman ang mga bata in their Halloween costume! :) Sana nakapag ganyan din ako when I was akid hahaha! Have a nice day!

  10. galing naman ni te rylie, napatawa niya si EJ..just dropping my ec :-) happy sunday!

  11. Hi Mads, he is crying because he dont wanna wear the costume. So he didnt use a costume except for he halloween sweater..

  12. Oh I forgot to take a pic of the candies but there's one at the botom, the one that Amy gave Rylie.. It is full of candy..

    Rylie really love dressing up sistah demz!

  13. Thanks Tikno, likewise, happy halloween too!

  14. HI Reanaclaire, i submitted a ticket twice but they haven't respond to it yet..

  15. Hi sunny, I never have a problem with rylie when it comes to dressing up.. My son refuses all the time... Happy halloween..

  16. O sige pchi dahan dahan lang kurot ha lol...

  17. Hi Reanaclaire, thanks for the tag, will grab it soon.

    Yeah I hope that they will respond to us so we'll know what to do next.

  18. Hahaha how we wish lol.. Ako din di nakaexperience ng ganyan, ala naman kasi sating halloween hehehe.. Thanks Pau!

  19. Oo nga ate cecille, good sister yan si Ate Rye hehee.. thanks!

  20. sounds like PINKY DINKY DOO...hahaha, it is a child's fave show like DORA...the pictures are so fun and family bonding makes a family stronger together. All the best.

  21. Love the story with the pictures..very cute...your kids looked so little man did not like dressing up either...looks like you all had allot of fun... :)

  22. nag eenjoy yata kayo sa hallowen nyo. Yan ang family may bonding.
    great work.


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