Saturday, October 18, 2008


When I came home from work last Thursday night, my daughter was already in bed sleeping. Her cry woke me up at around four in the morning, she was hyperventilating and I couldn't understand what she was saying. So I told her to calm down, i rubbed her back and she eventually stopped crying. That's when I asked her again what's wrong. She told me that she woke up crying because she wanted to say the Lord's Prayer. My husband usually read her a book at bedtime and I lead her to pray after. But since I came home at ten o'clock that night, she wasn't able to say the prayer. I was so happy that at early age, she is already forming her faith..


  1. simple yet touching.

  2. wow! nakakataba naman ng puso...Greg's the one who teach our daughter to pray at night..and now she knows if her papa miss the prayer before she goes to bed.

  3. I am touched by this post. Your children are lucky to have parents like you.Good job na sinanay niyo habang bata pa.
    Me and my family usually pray before going to bed too. holding our hands together, while we say the prayer.Hubby used to read a thin children bible to our son. sinanay namin yong anak namin so that he grow up with faith. He now even know how to do a sign of a cross before and after praying.
    yong babing baby pa siya and until now, we trained him to listen praise song (with children's choir) everytime na nasa bed na kami,until we all can sleep.
    kaya until now, as long as nasa be siya, he wants us to play the praise song at once.

    Good job Rose, I am happy for those parents who teaches children to have faith.
    kasi kung di dahil ni god, wala rin tayo.


  4. wow, very touching naman, kami rin sinanay namin si Jacob to pray and he can say his prayer now, we do it before every meal and in the morning and at night before going to bed.

  5. btw, rose, how did you get your ppp back?

  6. Hi Dhemz, oo nga eh kaya minsan din pag nakakalimutan ko na ilead sya to pray, gumigising sya and sinasabi "we forgot to pray Mom"..

    She's a lso a good reminder for me to thank God everything that we had for the day!

  7. The kids have one of those children bible story to ate weng and thanks for reminding me to use it again hehehe..

    Yeah it is very important that we instill faith in our kids young mind.

  8. That's very good ate cecille! With my son, even if he can't talk yet, i always say the Lords prayer while letting him sleep that way those words will stay in his mind somehow..


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