Thursday, September 25, 2008

blogging journey

OK here's a quick stat of my blogging experience. I started blogging on the last week of May at Friendster but my dear friend Malou encouraged me to join So I transferred my posts from F to B. Then just last month, I got my own domain through the help of my webtech mentor Malou (salamat bru).

Now this is my 270th post already, got 3,584 visits, 1,245 profile views, my Alexa Rank was down to 1,570,068(started like 7 million +) so this is a good sign, then my real rank went down from 7k+ to 2,662 (need to bloghop more but no time lol), got countless tags and some awards too. The most rewarding part of this blogging experience are the friends that I met in the blogsphere. So to all of you guys who always visits and contributes ideas to me, SALAMAT po (thank you)!


  1. I congratulate you and commend your persistence. I quite enjoy reading your posts and hope to do so for a long long time. All the best.

  2. wow!

    your ranks are skyrocketing fast

    hay... di ko yata kaya magbloghop ng magblog hop

    sana kumita din ako... hehe

  3. Thank you for running my EC today! Christina

  4. wow.keep it coming ;) take care rose.good morning!

  5. Congratulation Rose, just keep a good work always, remember that God is always there for you. God bless.

  6. ^_^Thanks a lot Rummy, glad to hear that from you.

    ^_^Hi Peachy, its hard to keep up with blog hopping especially with my two lil' kids but I am trying my best heheh.

    ^_^Hi Christina, thank you for advertising with me!

    ^_^Hi Lovely, take care too and stay sweet!

    ^_^Hello Mommy Merlyn, greatly appreciate your Godliness words always.

    From the bottom of my heart, thanks a lot to all of you who believes in me and for being friends with me..May God bless your good and huge hearts!

  7. thanks for the special mention rose I'm so glad to hear that you're enjoying sharing your thoughts to us. I'll always be here to help. Goodluck! :-)

  8. hi sis! wow google made you jump to the next level..congrats! good for you..teka nga pala na booted off ka sa PPP? what happened? you've got a great come? how does it happen? my God kinakabahan naman ako..d pa naman nila na audit yung blog ko..kasi you started ahead of me siguro next ako sayo..hehehe..:)what did PPP told you about the cut? sige Rose...hope to hear from you...I will be here regularly..ingat! dropped the EC!

  9. 270th post!

    Did you really transfer all the posts from Friendster to Blogger?

  10. Hi Malou, you are my angel sent from heaven actually hehehe.. Without you, I won't discover the joy of blogging..MWAH!

  11. Hi demcy, i think the main reason why they booted me off is because of the political issue i have posted here weeks ago.. I didn't know that it is a big no no to them.. Oh well, blog must go on coz i really love it! I think you will pass the audit, i don't see any reason for you to get axed by them.. good luck!

  12. Hi mads faye, the glory of bloghopping is that you get to know the people by just reading their post...

  13. Hi Gem, Yeah I did transferred I think 5 of the posts I mde at Friendster in order for me to join PPP hehehe.. But, I am planning to repost it in Friendster hahaha..

  14. Nope.. don't repost EXACTLY the same words. Google penalty... =(

  15. Ok, thanks for the tip Gem, I'll revise it..


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