Thursday, July 31, 2008

Amazing Domestic Seafood Recipe

I grew up in a place where the ocean provided the main resources for our existence. I would, often times, join my father on his fishing trips. One time we went fishing and I caught a very big fish and my father laughed at me because I panicked and immediately called for his help. I love most types of seafood. My favorites are shrimp and crab. My daughter, though only three years of age, requested shrimp for lunch today. Shrimp is very quick and easy to prepare. This is my own recipe for it. You will need the following: 100 grams of shrimp 1/2 cup of water 1 tbsp butter 1 medium tomato (sliced) 1 medium size of onion (chopped) 2 cloves of garlic (crushed) small piece of ginger (crushed) 1 cup of sprite 1 tbsp of fish sauce (optional) hot peppers(optional) salt and black pepper to taste Place the shrimp in the pan then add all the ingredients on top of it. Bring it to a boil for 8 minutes, give it a quick stir and boil it for another 7 minutes and its done. You can add some hot peppers if you want it a little bit spicy. (Although I love spicy food, I usually don't add the hot peppers because of my children). The secret to this dish; do not over cook the shrimp so they will remain tender. I think that my recipe would be a great contender in the upcoming Great American Seafood Cook off event. You could find the details of this great event at I am excited to participate in this cook off showdown because domestic seafood is very obtainable in our area. We live just minutes from the Korean public market known as the "Five Day Market" where seafood is plentiful and inexpensive. Most of the seafood can be purchased straight from aquariums which ensures freshness. Here are the pictures of the shrimp I cooked for lunch. The first picture was taken when I was cooking it and the second one is the finished product. Doesn't it look delicious? Tell me what you think guys. I am always interested in trying different recipes, so please feel free to share your favorite recipes. I also have a post related to this one entitled crabby night.


  1. yummmy!!!!! those are my weakness..thanks for the post

  2. kasiram man kaan,,,,send me some..

  3. you can try also bbq shrimp, which is my favorites specially picnic, easy to prepare.
    u only need halfkilo medium size shrimps,pineapple chunks,pepper cut into cubes,and white onions,.pepper and salt to taste.soak it in pineapple juice( juice from pineapple chunks).
    slice the shrimp at the back and put it in bbq stick diagonally alternately with the veges, and grilled until it done....
    gigutom na ako hehehehe

  4. Thanks a lot guys for the comments.

    Madz Fe, greatly appreciate your suggestions.. That sounds yummy, I'm going to try that one day!

  5. delicious! :)



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