Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Night Time Predator

One of the main problems we're having, being overseas, is the mosquitoes. Our house is located near a mountain with trees. During summer time, mosquitoes are everywhere. Every time we open our door, some of them manage to sneak in. Then later that night, they attack us....especially our daughter.
My husband and daughter are very sensitive to mosquito bites; swelling occurs easily and it takes time for the bites to fade. Our daughter often wakes in the middle of the night complaining about the itching sensation caused by the numerous bites she aquired while being asleep. We try to keep her body covered as much as possible but they still attack her face.
We became so fed up with the situation that we purchased a small mosquito tent which fits nicely over a twin mattress. So far, we have had success, not a single bite and she sleeps through the night. Thank God! I hope that these "blood thirsty" little beasts won't bother my daughter anymore. Our only concern now is crawling insects. This area is known for its heavy population of centipedes. We must always ensure these invaders can't get inside the net. We pray to God for continued success.
Even now that is cold already, we still see some mosquitoes flying around. I am glad that in two weeks time, we're outta here. I'll sure miss Korea but not the mosquitos!


  1. cute mosquito net. remember the ones in pinas kailangan mo pang itali at the 4 corners, haha.

  2. they make glue traps for centepedes don't know if they made it there. They're the same traps they use for small mice. They're non poisonous traps, just natural sticky tree sap glue. Just look for the picture of the mouse. U mentioned when we talk online that they don't usually speak englisk i guess you should learn the word sticky in korean. haha

  3. Ang cute ng mosquito net ninyo. Dito sa atin same design pa rin, tali tali. Pang baby naman ang may ganyang design.

  4. oh my...parang sa pinas...dami lamok...ehhehehe!

    may glue traps ba jan sis? yan kasi gamit namin....we hang it somewhere near the entrance door.....it really works...

    very cute naman yang kulambo ni rye...:)

    musta na manang ko? hope all is well..dalaw me dito before going to bed...super late na kasi...miss you...mwah!


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