Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thank you God!

I have a lot of things to be thanked for today! First and foremost, my mother is going out at the hospital tomorrow - thank you so much for all those who prayed with us, may God bless your good hearts! Although she still have to maintain meds at home, I felt relieve knowing that she's out of danger. Then I got assignments, thanks for my sponsors! God always works in a very mysterious way and HE is always there when I needed Him so much!

We're Back!

We came home from our hiking trip yesterday but I wasn't able to blog or do anything in the computer because I am so occupied with worries for my Mother. She's confined in the hospital and its killing me that I can't be there for her. I thank everyone who keep coming back to visit my blog! From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much! Okay guys this is it for now, will update you about our trip next time, when I'm stress free I guess.